Faculty and Staff Resources

Faculty and Staff Resources

Student Counseling Services is your partner outside of the classroom to help ensure our student success academically, personally and professionally.


Behavioral Intervention Team

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) exists to help promote the development of a healthy campus community at West Texas A&M University. The team, made up of select University employees, provides early intervention and support to students who may display behavior that causes reason for concern for the welfare of the individual or the University community.

For more information on the BIT and how to identify students in distress click here.

If you are currently experiencing an emergency please contact one of the following: 

Contact the University Police Department at

  •  24hr Dispatch: 806-651-2300
  •  Emergency: 806-651-5000
  •  Emergency: 911

Or contact Student Counseling Services at 806-651-2340