Professional Dress

Being professional is a vague term but in reality it means taking into account those around you and being courteous.

Part of being professional is how you present yourself. If you show up to class everyday looking like you just rolled out of bed, there’s a chance your professor or even those around you could think that is a reflection of your work. Now, you may be an awesome student who scores highly on all your exams, turns in everything BEFORE the due date, and actively participates in class discussions and projects, but if your appearance is what the people around you are judging they may jump to negative conclusions before you have proven your abilities. This isn’t something we as humans like to admit we do, but we all judge based on appearances. In fact, your first impression is formed within 10 seconds of meeting someone!

That is why the part of professionalism I am going to touch on today is what you wear. What you wear has the ability to shape someone’s opinion about your abilities. Think about it. If you walked into a bank and the man helping you secure a home loan was dressed in flip flops, shorts and a stained flannel shirt, you might run the other direction. He might be the best loan guy in West Texas, but his appearances didn’t reflect that. I’m not proposing you dress in a formal suit for classes, but I do think looking put together could grant you some of the respect you hope to have in the future. Start now, by dressing for success or even the job you hope to have. People will notice,

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