Spring 2025
Upcoming Fairs
We host a variety of events throughout the academic year and each one targets students in different parts of their career journey. Check out all of our fairs in Handshake or follow the link below.
Educators EXPO | March 26th | School districts seeking educators
Part-Time Job & Internship Fair | April 10th | Amarillo and Canyon businesses filling part-time and internship opportunities
Non-Profit & Behavioral Health Fair | April 24th | Non-profit and behavioral health organizations filling internship and full-time opportunities
Photography notice
West Texas A&M University reserves the right to photograph and record (through the use of still, video, audio, or other media) all visitors to the Office of Career and Professional Development's events. The University reserves the right to use, broadcast, distribute and/or publish any part of such images, likenesses, voices, appearances and/or performances for promotional, advertising, educational or other honorable purposes.