Jobs and Joy

You may have heard the old adage “find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life!” Although this obviously sounds like a dream come true, most of the time, this is not reality. You can really enjoy your job and still feel like you are working.

Let’s break down why this is not possible for most people, and why you might need to vanquish this idea to help you find more workplace satisfaction.

There are always going to be parts of your job that you don’t love. For example, I like many parts of my job, but if you ask me to create a spreadsheet I’m going to be a little sad inside. I can do it, and it is definitely within my job description, but it’s not going to be fun for me. AND THAT’S OK. The important thing to look for is a job that aligns with your strengths and passions in some ways. That will help you stay motivated.

Things you love may not fit into workplaces. In other words, not every passion can be turned into a career or job. When it can, it’s great, but if you love deep sea diving and you live in Canyon, Texas, and want to stay here, you’re probably going to have to save that passion for outside of work. Again, this is totally ok. You can channel your passions into extracurricular activities and not feel like a failure for lacking that same passion in your job.

Your interests can change. What you find meaningful now may change, or it may be meaningful, but be taking away from your personal life because of the added stress of the job. Those are both factors to consider in choosing a job. Passion and love for a job are not always mutually exclusive. Sometimes you only get one, and again, that’s ok.

Basically I want to emphasize that a job is just that, a job. Some parts won’t be as fun, but hopefully you can find something that appeals to your job standards where you don’t get the Sunday scaries. If you are interested in exploring career options click the button below to schedule a Career Exploration Appointment!

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