New Student Orientation
Family Sessions

New Student Orientations offer a companion experience for guests and family members of new students attending orientation. These sessions give families useful information, opportunites to ask questions, and guidance pertaining to having a student in college. Family sessions are designed to help you better understand the services that WT has to offer as well as ways to help and encourage your student during this exciting time.

There is no additional fee for guests to attend New Student Orientation.  All costs associated with orientation and admission are covered by the Admissions and Orientation fee that all students pay as part of their tuition their first semester.

Guests may choose to stay on campus and reserve a room in Buff Hall for a small fee per room (each room holds 2 guest).

See "Travel and Lodging" below to reserve your room on campus or for resources to book rooms in the Canyon/Amarillo area. 

Schedule for Family Sessions will be released soon.

For questions about the Family Orientation Sessions, you may contact Tommy King at

Travel and Lodging

New Students

  • During NSO, housing is included and required for all new students on the evening of Day 1 in Jarrett Hall.
  • Students will need to bring their own bedding and toiletries.
  • During the August 18-19 session, we will not be able to house all students in Jarrett Hall, but we will work with students living on campus to arrange an early move-in to their Fall room assignment.

Family and Guests

  • Option One: On Campus Housing
    • Cost is $50 per room, two guests to a bedroom.
    • You must bring your own linens and toiletries; the rooms have full-size beds.
    • Check-in will occur on Day 1 from 2:30pm-3:15pm(no exceptions); Check-out will be done as express check-out (key drop) on Day 2 from 8am-5pm. 
    • We will only offer guest housing while our halls are unoccupied, so there will be NSOs that will not offer guest housing.  Sign up for NSO housing using the link next to the session you are attending.  The following are the only dates we are offering guest housing:


    • We are unable to offer guest housing for the August sessions.


  • Option Two: Canyon/Amarillo Housing
    • Want to stay in the area but not on campus? Families and guests are welcome to stay in any of the hotels available in Canyon or surrounding areas.
    • NOTE: Students are still required to stay on campus overnight.
  • Option Three: Commute from home!
    • Live close to WT? No need to stay on campus or in a hotel. These are just options for those who wish to do so!
    • NOTE: Students are still required to stay on campus overnight.