The National Society of Leadership and Success is an international leadership training and honors society. Membership to this program is subject to GPA requirements. The Society provides high-quality leadership training opportunities, networking opportunities, scholarships, a job database, and much more.
Here at West Texas A&M University NSLS is made up of students striving to rise up as leaders. Many benefits come from being a part of this society and we would like to share that with you!
How to Join NSLS
After your first semester at WTAMU you will receive an invitation if you meet the requirements, this includes a 3.0 GPA. Then once you fill out your online application and pay the one-time registration fee, you are considered a pre-inducted member of the society.
What's next?
Now that you are a pre-inducted member of NSLS you should complete the steps for induction. To be inducted you will need to attend or lead at least 3 SNT Groups, go to at least 3 different speaker broadcasts, an orientation, and a leadership training day. To see when these events are available throughout the year just click on the events calendar link and show up at the specified time and place of the event. When you arrive at any event don’t forget to sign in so you can receive credit towards induction.
Success Networking Teams (SNT GROUPS)
To become an SNT Group leader Click the following link and put the day and time you want to meet every week. After you submit the form that loads we will contact you, then we will add it to the society calendar.
To join an existing group click on the events calendar link. All available groups will appear on the calendar, if you move your curser over one or click on it the time, location, and group leader will pop up. Please contact your leader and let them know you will be attending if possible.
Events Calendar - HTML
Events Calendar - ICAL
Events Calendar - XML
Receive credit for your volunteer work
Visit the National society of leadership and success website