Fernando Anguiano
McNair Scholar 2024
- Major(s): Mechanical Engineering
- Classification: Junior
- Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2026
- Career Aspirations: After attaining a bachelor's degree, Fernando would like to pursue a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on dynamic systems.
“The best part of the McNair experience was the connections I developed—not just with professors in my field, but also with peers pursuing different academic and career goals. Connecting with other students who are preparing for graduate school was a great experience. Thanks to the wonderful McNair staff, I feel fully prepared to pursue my goals and take my academic achievements to the next level."

“Investigation of High-Speed Impact Properties of 3D Printed Materials”
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Fisseha Alemayehu
Impact resistant materials have a big role in our world. From car bodies to football helmets, even airplane hulls benefit from the study of impact resistant materials. This is a preliminary study of 3D printer filaments and their potential for practical, cheap materials that can be easily replaced. Extensive literature exists on impact testing of 3D printed specimens measuring with a Charpy or Izod test [1,2]. However, limited research exists on Polylactic Acid (PLA), Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG), and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filaments at high velocity impact testing with a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. This study not only focused on different materials but their densities as well. The lower the density required to fulfill a need, the more money saved for the company and the consumer. The goal is to find which one of these combinations of material, infill percentage, and inner geometry absorb the most energy. After all tests were done, this study found that infill densities may affect the performance of the filaments as found from the ABS infill percentage study. However, a conclusion cannot be drawn due to limited testing. The same can be said for a comparison between PLA vs PETG as well as PLA vs ABS.