
Temporary Library Closure

Due to an asbestos abatement, Cornette Library will be closed Saturday, March 8th – Sunday, March 16th.

In-person library services will be available at the temporary Library @ The JBK Service Desk from 8 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 5pm from Monday, March 10th - Thursday, March 13th.

Map of JBK

The library building will reopen on Monday, March 17th.

Services that will be affected.
  • A library service desk will be available and staffed at the south end of Legacy Hall for faculty, staff or students that need in-person help regarding research. The service desk will be closed each day from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm for lunch.
  • Library staff will relocate to the Student Senate Room in the JBK during that work week (Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th) and will be providing some services.
  • Interlibrary loan (ILL) will be affected in the following ways:

    • Wednesday, February 26th – Sunday, March 16th: ILL requests for physical items will not be processed.
    • Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th: ILL items can be returned to the temporary service desk in the JBK at the south end of Legacy Hall.
    • Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th: ILL requests for database articles will not be processed.
  • Books placed on reserve will not be available during this time.

Services that will NOT be affected.
  • Chat service will still be available 24/7 during this period.
  • You can still reach the library by calling extension 2215. Library staff can still be reached via email during this time and by return phone if you leave a voicemail message for them and/or by contacting your library liaison.
  • Online article & ebook access will be unaffected by the library closure.

The library is currently undergoing renovations to increase the safety of the building. Please look at the Cornette Library Maintenance and Renovations Libguide for more information.

Timeline  by Dr. Amy M. Von Lintel

This timeline PDF document was authored by Dr. Amy M. Von Lintel, Associate Professor of Art History at West Texas A&M University. It is a companion to her article "'The Little Girl of the Texas Plains': Georgia O’Keeffe’s Panhandle Years," Panhandle-Plains Historical Review 85 (2014): 21-56. Dr. Von Lintel’s chronology focuses primarily on the years Georgia O’Keeffe lived and worked in West Texas, with a particular emphasis on direct quotations from O'Keeffe's period letters and interviews with her Texas students.

Dr. Von Lintel is also the author of two books focusing on Georgia O'Keeffe during some of her time in Texas before 1920:

  • Watercolors: 1916-1918 / Georgia O'Keeffe.
  • Georgia O'Keeffe's Wartime Texas Letters.

Biography of Dr. Von Lintel.

Georgia O'Keeffe in Canyon by Dr. Fred Stoker

thumbnail of cover

Dr. W.M. "Fred" Stoker joined the faculty of WTAMU in 1958. He was a professor of Education at the university until his retirement in 1985. A prolific writer, Stoker wrote a 44-page booklet summarizing the time that Georgia O'Keeffe lived in Canyon, from 1916 to early 1918.

Stoker wrote his account seventy-one years after O'Keeffe left Canyon, researching all the information that was available at the time. While able to interview only one person with first-hand knowledge about O'Keeffe in Canyon, Stoker included only anecdotes that, while perhaps apocryphal, seemed entirely plausible.

You may read the blend of facts and local stories in Georgia O'Keeffe in Canyon PDF document, courtesy of Dr. Fred Stoker. It may be found within the library at N 6537 .O39 S76 1990.

Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum

The PPHM has one of the five oil paintings O'Keeffe created while living in Texas.

Red Landscape. Abstract oil painting with red and black land and white, reddish, and black sky.
Red Landscape, 1916-1917. Oil on board. Courtesy of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum.
Present-Day Museum
The present-day PPHM is now the largest history museum in the state of Texas. Courtesy of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum.

Amarillo Museum of Art

The AMoA has some of O'Keeffe's early works in its permanent collection. Catalog for Georgia O'Keeffe and Her Contemporaries is available from the online Shop. Click a thumbnail image to see a larger image of one of her watercolors.

Train at Night in the Desert

Train at Night in the Desert approaches with large belows of smoke coming. The painting is abstract with simple lines and shapes
Train at Night in the Desert, 1916. Watercolor on paper. Permission to display is from the Amarillo Museum of Art. The original work is part of the museum's permanent collection.

Roof with Snow

Roof with Snow. Red patches of snow on a dark roof. The watercolor painting is abstract with simple lines and shapes
Roof with Snow, 1917. Watercolor on paper. Permission to display is from the Amarillo Museum of Art. The original work is part of the museum's permanent collection.

Other Resources in Special Collections

Special Collections of Cornette Library has many books by or about Georgia O'Keeffe. For further information about the Special Collections unit, please visit the Special Collections homepage.

Books by Dr. Amy Von Lintel

Two of these books about Georgia O'Keeffe are focused on her time in Canyon, Texas. They were written by Dr. Amy Von Lintel, Associate Professor of History at West Texas A & M University in Canyon, Texas.

Watercolors: 1916-1918 / Georgia O'Keeffe. Text by Amy Von Lintel.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2016
Georgia O'Keeffe's Wartime Texas Letters. Selected, annotated, and edited by Amy Von Lintel.
N 6537 .O39 A3 2020

Other Books

Below is a large sample of other books by or about Georgia O'Keeffe that are in the Cornette Library's Special Collections.

The Art & Life of Georgia O'Keeffe. Jan Garden Castro.
ND 237 .O5 C3 1985
Art and the Crisis of Marriage: Edward Hopper and Georgia O'Keeffe. Vivien Green Fryd.
ND 237 .H75 F79 2003
Becoming O'Keeffe: The Early Years. Sarah Whitaker Peters.
N 6537 .O39 P48 2001
Blossoms & Bones: On the Life and Work of Georgia O'Keeffe. Christopher Buckley.
PS 3552 .U339 B5 1988
Dove/O'Keeffe: Circles of Influence. Debra Bricker Balken.
N 6537 .O39 A4 2009b
Enduring Spirit: The Art of Georgia O'Keeffe. Katherine Hoffman.
N 6537.O39 H63 1984
From Santa Fe to O'Keeffe Country: A One Day Journey Through the Soul of New Mexico. Rhoda Barkan and Peter Sinclaire.
F 804 .S23 B37 1996
From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O'Keeffe as Icon. Edited by Christopher Merrill and Ellen Bradbury.
ND 237 .O5 F76 1998
Full Bloom: The Art and Life of Georgia O'Keeffe. Hunter Drohojowska-Philp.
ND 237 .O5 D76 2004
Georgia O'Keeffe. Michael Berry.
N 6537 .O39 B47 1988
Georgia O'Keeffe. Maria Costantino.
ND 237 .O5 C68 1994 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe. Charles C. Eldredge.
ND 237 .O5 E43 1991 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe. Nancy Frazier.
ND 237 .O5 F73 1999 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe. Lloyd Goodrich and Doris Bry.
ND 237 .O5 G6 1970
Georgia O'Keeffe. Barbara Buhler Lynes.
N 6537 .O39 L96 1993 Oversize
Located on Shelf II B
Georgia O'Keeffe. Lisa Mintz Messinger.
ND 237.O5 M47 1988
Georgia O'Keeffe. Lisa Mintz Messinger.
N 6537 .O39 M477 2001
Georgia O'Keeffe. Elizabeth Montgomery.
ND 237 .O5 M66 1997 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe. Georgia O'Keeffe. Signed.
ND 237 .O5 A46 1976 Oversize
Sheffy Collection copy located on Shelf II A
Special Collections - Rare copy located on shelf IIB
The copy kept in Special Collections - Rare was signed by O'Keeffe
Georgia O'Keeffe. Robyn Montana Turner.
ND 237 .O5 T87 1991
Georgia O'Keeffe. Mike Venezia.
ND 237 .O5 V46 1993
Georgia O'Keeffe, 1887 - 1986: Flowers in the Desert. Brita Benke.
ND 237 .O5 B46 2003
Georgia O'Keeffe: A Celebration of Music and Dance. Katherine Hoffman.
ND 237 .O5 H64 1997
Georgia O'Keeffe: A Life. Roxana Robinson.
N 6537 .O39 R64 1990
Georgia O'Keeffe, a Portrait. Alfred Stieglitz, with an introduction by Georgia O'Keeffe.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1997 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe: Abstraction. Edited by Barbara Haskell.
N 6537 .O39 A4 2009
Georgia O'Keeffe: American and Modern. Charles C. Eldredge.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1993 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe: An Eternal Spirit. Susan Wright.
N 6537 .O39 W75 2006 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
Georgia O'Keeffe: An Exhibition of the Work of the Artist from 1915 to 1966. Edited by Mitchell A. Wilder.
ND 237 .O5 A7 1966
Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz. Peter-Cornell Richter.
ND 237 .O5 R5313 2001
Georgia O'Keeffe and Ansel Adams: Natural Affinities. Barbara Buhler Lynes, Sandra S. Phillips, and Richard B. Woodward.
TR 721 .G46 2008
Georgia O'Keeffe & Her Contemporaries: Amarillo Art Center, September 7 - December 1, 1985 in Honor of the 75th Anniversary of West Texas State University.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1985
Georgia O'Keeffe and New Mexico: A Sense of Place. Barbara Buhler Lynes, Lesley Poling-Kempes, and Frederick W. Turner.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2004
Georgia O'Keeffe and the Calla Lily in American Art, 1860 - 1940. Barbara Buhler Lynes.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2002
Georgia O'Keeffe and the Camera: The Art of Identity. Susan Danly. Introduction by Barbara Buhler Lynes.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2008b
Georgia O'Keeffe and the Eros of Place. Bram Dijkstra.
ND 237 .O5 D55 1998
Georgia O'Keeffe, Art and Letters. Jack Cowart and Juan Hamilton, letters selected and annotated by Sarah Greenough.
N 6537 .O39 A4 1987 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
Georgia O'Keeffe at Ghost Ranch: A Photo Essay. John Loengard.
TR 681 .A7 L63 1995 Oversize
Located on Shelf III A
Georgia O'Keeffe: Canyon Suite. Introduction by Barbara J. Bloemink.
ND 1839 .O5 A4 1995
Georgia O'Keeffe: Catalogue Raisonne. Barbara Buhler Lynes.
N 6537 .O39 A4 1999 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
Georgia O'Keeffe: Circling Around Abstraction. Jonathan Stuhlman and Barbara Buhler Lynes.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2007
Georgia O'Keeffe: Forty Years of Her Art. Georgia O'Keeffe.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1960
Georgia O'Keeffe in Canyon. Fred Stoker.
N 6537 .O39 S76 1990
Georgia O'Keeffe: In the West. Edited by Doris Bry and Nicholas Callaway.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1989 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe: Legendary American Painter. Jodie A. Shull.
ND 237 .O5 S58 2003
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. General Editor, Peter H. Hassrick.
N 6537 .O39 A4 1997 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Collections. Barbara Buhler Lynes.
N 6537 .O39 A4 2007 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum: Highlights of the Collection. Barbara Buhler Lynes.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2003
Georgia O'Keeffe: Natural Issues, 1918 - 1924. Marion M. Goethals.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1992
Georgia O'Keeffe: Nature and Abstraction. Richard D. Marshall, with texts by Yvonne Scott and Achille Bonito Oliva.
ND 237 .O5 A4 2007b
Georgia O'Keeffe: One Hundred Flowers. Edited by Nicholas Callaway.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1987 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe: Painter of the Desert. Jacqueline A. Ball and Catherine Conant.
N 6537 .O39 B35 1991
Georgia O'Keeffe: Paintings: Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, December 19, 1986 to April 12, 1987. Introduction by David G. Turner.
ND 237 .O5 G62 1987 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
Georgia O'Keeffe: Paintings of Hawaii. Jennifer Saville.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1990
Georgia O'Keeffe: Selected Paintings and Works on Paper : April 26 Through June 6, 1986. Introduction by Robert Pincus-Witten.
N 6537 .O39 A4 1986
Georgia O'Keeffe, the Artist's Landscape. Photographs by Todd Webb.
TR 654 .W384 1984 Oversize
Located on Shelf III A
Georgia O'Keeffe: The New York Years. Edited by Doris Bry and Nicholas Callaway.
N 6537 .O39 A4 1991 Oversize
Located on Shelf II B
Georgia O'Keeffe: The Poetry of Things. Elizabeth Hutton Turner.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1999
Georgia O'Keeffe, Works on Paper: Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
NC 139 .O45 A4 1985
Georgia's Bones. Written by Jen Bryant, illustrated by Bethanne Andersen.
ND 237 .O5 B79 2005
Intimate Landscapes: The Canyon Suite of Georgia O'Keeffe. Dana Self.
ND1839.O5 A4 1997
Lovingly, Georgia: The Complete Correspondence of Georgia O'Keeffe and Anita Pollitzer. Edited by Clive Giboire.
N 6537 .O39 A3 1990
Maria Chabot--Georgia O'Keeffe: Correspondence, 1941 - 1949. Edited by Barbara Buhler Lynes and Ann Paden. Introduction by Barbara Buhler Lynes.
ND 237 .O5 A3 2003
Miss O'Keeffe. Christine Taylor Patten and Alvaro Cardona-Hine.
ND 237 .O5 P37 1992
Modernism and the Feminine Voice: O'Keeffe and the Women of the Stieglitz Circle. Kathleen Pyne.
N 6512.5 .M63 P96 2007
My Faraway One: Selected Letters of Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz: 1915 - 1933. Selected, annotated, and edited by Sarah Greenough.
N 6537 .O39 A3 2011
My Name is Georgia: A Portrait. Jeanette Winter.
ND 237 .O5 W56 1998
O'Keeffe. Georgia O'Keeffe. (Article from the December 1976 issue of New Mexico magazine.)
ND 237 .O5 A46 1976 Oversize
Located on Shelf II A
O'Keeffe and Me: A Treasured Friendship. Ralph Looney.
N 6537 .O39 L66 1995
O'Keeffe and Stieglitz: An American Romance. Benita Eisler.
N 6537 .O39 E38 1991
O'Keeffe and Texas. Sharyn R. Udall.
N 6537 .O39 A4 1998
O'Keeffe at Abiquiu. Photographs by Myron Wood, text by Christine Taylor Patten.
ND 237 .O5 W66 1995
O'Keeffe on Paper. Ruth E. Fine and Barbara Buhler Lynes.
N 6537 .O39 A4 2000
O'Keeffe, Steiglitz, and the Critics, 1916 - 1929. Barbara Buhler Lynes.
ND 237 .O5 L96 1991
O'Keeffe: The Life of an American Legend . Jeffrey Hogrefe.
N 6537 .O39 H64 1993
O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes: The Artist's Collection. Barbara Buhler Lynes with Russell Bowman.
N 6537 .O39 A4 2001 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
A Painter's Kitchen: Recipes from the Kitchen of Georgia O'Keeffe. Margaret Wood. 2nd ed.
TX 715 .W8826 1997
Painting with O'Keeffe. John D. Poling.
ND 237 .P725 A2 1999
Portrait of an Artist: A Biography of Georgia O'Keeffe. Laurie Lisle.
ND 237 .O5 L57
Portrait of an Artist: A Biography of Georgia O'Keeffe. Laurie Lisle. Rev. ed.
ND 237 .O5 L57 1997
Some Memories of Drawings. Georgia O'Keeffe, edited by Doris Bry.
NC 139 .O45 A4 1988 Oversize
Located on Shelf I F
Three Artists (Three Women): Modernism and the Art of Hesse, Krasner, and O'Keeffe. Anne Middleton Wagner.
N 6512 .W285 1996
Two Lives : Georgia O'Keeffe & Alfred Stieglitz: A Conversation in Paintings and Photographs. Essays by Belinda Rathbone, Roger Shattuck, and Elizabeth Hutton Turner; edited by Alexandra Arrowsmith and Thomas West.
ND 237 .O5 A4 1992b
Woman on Paper: Georgia O'Keeffe. Anita Pollitzer.
N 6537 .O39 P65 1988