Working with the Business Office
The Accounting and Business Office works with staff and faculty to process and understand a wide range of required University tasks. Our office staff is available for persons seeking further assistance.
Faculty & Staff Questions:
All email will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel.
Resources and Forms:
- Account Changes / Corrections
- Buff Business - 2022 Year-End
- Business Services - 2022
- Departmental Fiscal Procedure Handbook (Under Construction)
- Departmental Transmittal Spreadsheet
As of November 2024, we have a new way of doing Reimbursement Payments via online. You no longer need to wait in line at the Business Office!
Below is the online Reimbursement Request
Reimbursement Payment Portal
Information Needed:
Employee Information:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Phone Number: (include area code and dashes)
Reimbursement Details:
- What is this payment reimbursing?
- Amount:
Financial Information: (account to reimburse)
- Account Number: (include dashes. Should be a total of 11 numbers)
- Object Code: (Should be a total of 4 numbers)
- Account Name:
Description of Reimbursement: Provide a brief description of the purpose of the reimbursement.
Special Instructions: Include any specific instructions or additional information necessary for processing the reimbursement.