Launch and Intro

Lesson One, Chapter One Intro...

So, here you are...another fun filled class in marketing, right? Isn't that what you are thinking? Geeeez, do I really have to take another class? Some have said "personal selling" is about as fun as watching the Farm Channel.......(no offense, as I realize farming is actually quite dynamic). I suppose those individuals (the course naysayers) didn't actually take the course with me...LOL...maybe it was from another university somewhere....had to be.....oh, wait, nope, I had to take these courses too....

As you can tell, I use the Launch area of the units as kind of an area to basically just rant and rave about's really my only way to show you my personality in an online course (what you don't think I have one???). I use the "Wrap-Up" area of the site to provide some sense of application and closure to the content in the lesson.

Soooo, I am not exactly sure what your preconceived notions of "personal selling" is at this point...I have a general idea...research has shown (as you will read about in this weeks activities area of this site) that, overall, students just really don't like the topic and just think of it as "door to door" selling.....NOT SO MY FRIENDS!!!

Give this course and all it's materials a chance...and you will find many items that fit into your everyday life...if nothing else, a solid understanding of the concepts of this course will help ensure you are a more informed marketplace consumer!

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