News from all over the world impacts markets on a daily basis. Part of a good personal intelligence front is just knowing the headlines and how they impact our lives. You can check back here periodically for the latest headlines. News helps "put the puzzle together!"
Another great source of news and information is the WTAMU Cornette Library Online. You can visit the library website for a multitude of news and information tid bits.

Other Information resources:

Reference Material
Value Line, Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, The Economist, The New York Times, Simmons Report, Advertising Age, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Marketing Online, Marketing News, Marketing Tools, American Demographics, Sales & Marketing Management, Buying Power Index, Company Reports (see web sites)

Internet Activity Accounts

As a student of Integrated Marketing Communications you should be familiar with AdAge. Many class discussions may stem from the content provided by AdAge.com. Visit this site and set up a FREE user account the first week of class.

Indexes & Abstracts, most available from Cornette Library Online.

ABI/Inform Lexis-Nexis
First Search UNCOVER
Selected Marketing Journals
Journal of Marketing Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Strategic Management Journal
Journal of Advertising Journal of Business Research
Journal of Retailing Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Harvard Business Review
Journal of Consumer Marketing International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Macromarketing Journal of Product Innovation Management
Sloan Management Review California Management Review
Long Range Planning Business Horizons

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