The Toward Excellence, Access & Success (TEXAS) grant was established in 1999 by the Texas Legislature to provide need-based financial assistance to Texas students. This program is subject to funding availability from the state of Texas. Award eligibility varies based on Enrollment Status.
Renewal Requirements (different from other grants listed)
At the end of the first year, you must meet West Texas A&M University Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements (2.0 GPA and 67% completion) in order to be considered for a second year in the TEXAS Grant program. After completing the second year in the program, you are required to meet the following conditions at the end of every spring term:
Be enrolled at least three-quarter time as an undergraduate student who previously received a TEXAS Grant award and has not yet been granted a baccalaureate degree
Have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance
Have a calculated financial need
Maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP): Cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 with a 67% completion rate
You must complete 24 semester credit hours each academic fall, spring and summer, however, credits by exam/AP credits do not count toward completion.
Student eligibility for a TEXAS Grant ends once he or she has attempted 150 semester credit hours or the equivalent unless the student is granted a hardship extension. For this purpose, "attempted hours" is defined as every course in every semester for which a student has been registered as of the official Census Date, including but not limited to, repeated courses and course the student drops and from which the student withdraws. For transfer students, transfer hours and hours for optional internship and cooperative education courses are included if they are accepted by the receiving institution towards the student's current program of study.
If you do not meet the aforementioned requirements, you will lose eligibility for the program but you may regain eligibility once eligibility requirements have been met again.