
Cover Sheet
Required first page of all IRB proposal packets.

Claim for Exemption
Required only for proposals submitted for exempt review. Check the appropriate boxes that relate to your specific study. The options on the form determine if the study may be exempted from federal regulations. Only the IRB can determine if the project is exempt.

Expedited Review Form
Required only for proposals submitted for expedited review. Check the first box on the first page and any additional boxes that relate to your specific study. The Nuremberg Code provides directives to researchers for human experimentation.

Instructions for constructing proposal narrative. The IRB will look for the specific information requested in each of the five sections.

Informed Consent
Consent forms must contain the elements of consent as stated in checklist.

  • Consent (adults)
  • Assent (minors)

Closeout/Amendment/Continuation Form
Required for all active proposals.  The form must be submitted to the IRB prior to the expiration of the proposal.