Pregnant, Nursing and Parenting Students

A pregnant student should be granted a leave of absence for as long as it is deemed medically necessary for them to be absent.­ Prompt and appropriate communication by the student is necessary to ensure appropriate accommodations are provided. While retroactive requests will be considered, making arrangements in advance is preferred, and requests that are untimely may be denied on that basis.­ At the conclusion of their leave, they must be allowed to resume the academic and extracurricular status held when the leave began.

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a pregnant or parenting student, please contact WTAMU's Executive Director of the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX, Nancy Hampton, at 806-651-3199 or

The following are lactation rooms on campus that provide privacy for breastfeeding parents:

  • Jack B. Kelley Student Center (JBK) - Green Room
  • Virgil Henson Activities Center - Room 105C
  • Enterprise Center - Room 123J
  • Amarillo Center - Room 366
  • Ag Sciences Center - 2nd floor

Please review the Know Your Rights brochure.  Further guidance can be found in the U.S. Department of Education's "Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students" brochure.­ Although this brochure focuses on secondary schools, the legal principles apply to all recipients of federal financial assistance, including postsecondary institutions.