A comprehensive exam is required for all master’s students, except those pursuing an M.B.A. or M.S.S.W. This exam can be oral, written, or both and assesses your field of concentration and thesis, if applicable.
- Examinations are administered by the head of the student’s major department or a designated member of the graduate faculty.
- Oral comprehensive examinations, recitals and exhibitions shall be open to all members of the University academic community. Participation of non-committee members is at the discretion of the committee chairperson.
- Results of the exam must be reported in writing to the Office of the Graduate School.
- Students who fail the comprehensive exam should work closely with Graduate Program Faculty to receive guidance on preparing for a retake. The parameters of additional exam attempts are at the discretion of the program's faculty.
- Students who cannot pass the comprehensive exam will be removed from the program. However, they have the option to apply for a graduate degree in a different field, as long as they meet the admissions criteria for the new program. The classes that fulfill the requirements of the new program will be decided by the faculty of the new program and the Graduate School.