Abstract and Paper Submission
The American Society for Engineering Education Gulf-Southwest (ASEE-GSW) invites the submission of papers and presentations for our annual conference hosted by West Texas A & M University from March 10-12, 2024.
Educational papers (see paper types below) that are not strictly scientific or strictly technical in nature. All papers are to be presented in oral presentation sessions at the conference.
Both Graduate and Undergraduate students are asked to submit an abstract leading to a full paper. Student papers can be educational or technical.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
An abstract of approximately 300-500 words must be submitted electronically. The abstract should contain enough details on the topic of discussion, methodologies, preliminary results (if any) and expected outcomes to facilitate informed review of the abstract. Authors of each accepted abstract will have the opportunity to submit a full paper draft.
Full Paper Submission Guidelines
Paper Types
There are three categories for submissions:
- Faculty/Staff/Professional Full-length Paper : This category is for a full-length paper leading to a presentation. Recommended paper length is 3 to 15 pages in ASEE-GSW conference proceedings format. The full paper template should be used.
- Graduate Student Full-length Paper: This category is for a full-length paper leading to a presentation. First author should be a graduate student. Recommended paper length is 3 to 15 pages in ASEE-GSW conference proceedings format. The full paper template should be used.
- Undergraduate Student Full-length Paper : This category is for a full-length paper leading to a presentation. First author should be an undergraduate student. Recommended paper length is 3 to 15 pages in ASEE-GSW conference proceedings format. The paper template for a sample paper should be used.
Download the Full Paper Template (Word Doc) Download the Full Paper Template (PDF)
Submissions and Deadlines (Extended Deadline)
All Full Paper: Professionals / Faculty/ Students
December 22, 2023 (Extended deadline): Abstract submission deadline for full length professional and student papers.
January 10, 2024: Abstract acceptance decision communicated
February 7, 2024: Draft submission deadline for full professional/student papers.
February 16, 2024: Draft paper/ reviews completion deadline and notification to authors
February 22, 2024: Draft paper revision submission deadline
February 26, 2024: Paper revision decision deadline.
February 28, 2024: Notification of acceptance pending registration
Timeline Post Submission
February 20, 2024: Deadline to register for all submissions to be placed in the program
February 24, 2024: Schedule published.
All submissions are subject to the ASEE Plagiarism PolicyFor Paper Related Assistance, Please contact your PROGRAM CHAIR.For Technical Assistance, Please contact the Conferences staff conferences@asee.org
To submit your abstract or your paper (following acceptance of your abstract), click the button below.
The ASEE Organizational Website will be managing our papers this year. Once you click on the link, you will be asked to login to the ASEE website. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one.