- VA Muskogee Hot Line: (888)-GI-BILL1 or (888)-442-4551
- Verify enrollment at the end of each month: (877) 823-2378
- Debt Management Center: (800)-827-0648
- Vocational Rehab (Debbie Peralez): (806)-472-3489 -Lubbock, TX or Email: Karen.peralez@va.gov
- Amarillo VA Health Care System: (806)-355-9703
- My Health Vet
- Vet Center-Providing Free Counseling Service to War Zone Vets: (877)-927-8387
- Texas Veterans Leadership Program
- Pell Grants and Student Loans
- Veteran Portal (ebenefits.va.gov)
- Texas Veteran's Portal
- WTAMU Career Services
- O*NET Online-Tool for Career Exploration
- GoArmyEd
- Military.com
- Military.com - Education
- GI Bill® Website
- Exemptions for Texas Veteran (Hazelwood Exemption)
- TexVet: Partners Across Texas
- The Texas A&M System Veteran Benefits
- Veterans On-Line Application-VONAPP
- Online tutoring for service members, veterans, and their families
- Homeless Shelters Near Me
- Student Complaint Form
- Find Rental Assistance Programs in Your Area | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (consumerfinance.gov)
Veteran Crisis Line-(800) 273-8255--PRESS 1