Academic Year Component
The Academic Year component will focus on academic instruction/tutorials for all participants on the state mandated assessment tests to ensure passage of participants by the exit level. The curriculum includes activities designed to further the development of each participant by keeping them engaged and focused on their individual College to Career Portfolio. Each participant will have a progress plan created to help generate academic skills and motivation necessary to prepare program participants to receive a score of proficiency in subjects in preparation for college enrollment.
Students will also be provided with individual counseling on academic, financial aid, scholarships, college admissions and career interests.
Academic Saturday Advancement Program
Students will visit our campus a minimum of 3 times per semester throughout the regular school year. They will be exposed to the university way of life and will also participate in numerous workshops aimed at improving their study skills, critical thinking aptitudes, and understanding of the importance of a post-secondary degree. Seminars on college readiness, financial aid and career fields are also a strong component of the program. Other areas include individual and group counseling, academic tutorials, career & academic advising, analytical and social activities, and experiences with faculty and mentors relating to research in the STEM fields.
Academic Saturday Dates 2018-2019
- October 13, 2018
- November 17, 2018
- January 19, 2019
- February 9, 2019
- March 23, 2019
- April 27, 2019
******* The bus will pick up at PDHS at 8:00AM in front of the main building and at 8:15AM at HHS by the band hall parking lot.
The bus will drop off at PDHS at 4:30PM in front of the main building and at 4:35PM at HHS by the band hall parking lot.

Students hiked Palo Duro Canyon and learned about the
geological makeup of various formations

A UBMS student with his successful Summer Academy solar
cooker project, which had to be made with limited resources