In This Section
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- Upward Bound
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- College Talent Search Needs
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- Kids Kollege
- Planning and Assessment
- SSC Buff Smart
- Statement Regarding AIDS
- Student Affairs Behavior Intervention Team (BITeam)
- Student Fee Advisory Committee
- Student Judicial Affairs
- College Talent Search
- Supplemental Instruction (S. I.)
- TAP-Tutoring Assistance Program
- Complaint Process
- Drug Free Schools and Community Act Compliance
- Practicum/Field Placement
- Buff Mentor Bios
- Welcome Week
- Allyson Ford Video Contest
- Buff Promise Espanol FAQ
- Buff Promise Espanol
- Buff Promise FAQ
- camp apply
- Complaints State by State
- Lean Six Sigma
- CS which comes first. bp
- Family Weekend
- Financial Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Letter to Parents
- Medical Services Health Integration Services
- New Student Orientation Accuplacer
- President's Earn and Learn Scholarship Program
- Student Support
- Student Affairs Marketing Creative Request Form
- Student Judicial Affairs Contact Us
- Tutoring Smarthinking Overview Video
- University Outreach - Avanzamos
- University Outreach - Group Tour Request
In order to apply for the Upward Bound-Math Science program, students must:
- Be a citizen or legal resident of the United States
- Be a first generation college student
- Be low income as defined by Federal Government regulations (income levels).
- Be in 9th or 10th grade in the fall of the year applying
- Have an acceptable grade point average
- Possess a strong desire to attend a university or college and pursue a degree in the STEM field. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
- Complete all parts of the application process (please attach a copy of current transcript and parent's 1040/1040A tax return).
- Applications can be attained by e-mailing any of the UBMS staff or at the student's home high school.
- If you are interested in the Upward Bound Math-Science program, please complete this form.

Please fill out The Upward Bound Math-Science Form.