What is CLEP?
CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program in the nation. With CLEP, a student can earn college credit for what he or she already knows -- regardless of where or how that knowledge was acquired -- by passing a 90-minute, multiple-choice CLEP subject exam.
- Prospective students, students who have been accepted for admission, or students who are currently enrolled at WTAMU are eligible to register for CLEP testing.
- Application forms and fees must be submitted one week prior to the testing date.
- Registration materials are available in the Educational Services located at the Student Success Center-CC Room 108.
- Office hours are 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
- The CLEP testing schedule and corresponding deadlines can be found here: CLEP Exam SCHEDULE
- EXAM FEE:The cost of the CLEP Exam is $93. This fee will be due at the time of registration. Do not combine fees for multiple tests even if they are to be taken on the same day. Credit cards are the preferred methods of payment-American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and JCB are accepted. Checks and money orders are also accepted. Each exam must have a separate payment. Make checks and money orders payable to College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
- ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: A non-refundable administration fee of $25 for each exam is due at the time of registration. Cash, check, money order, or credit cards are acceptable methods of payment for this fee. Make checks and money orders payable to West Texas A&M University (WTAMU).
Credit by Examination Policies
- Attention: Before registering to take a CLEP exam, please meet with an Advisor to make sure that you are maintaining an acceptable level of credits needed in current semester or test results do not affect any standing with scholarships or any standing with the university.
- Credit by examination is exactly the same as having successfully passed the equivalent WTAMU course. A letter grade of "S" is assigned if the student achieves the required score. The course doesn't figure into the student's GPA.
- The student is responsible for completing the tests for lower level courses in sufficient time to qualify for enrollment in higher-level courses. Be aware that the process of awarding CLEP credit/s to your transcript is not immediate and can take up to two months to occur.
- Credit by examination may be used to satisfy only 6 of the last 30 hours counted towards a degree.
- Six hours of appropriate science credit by examination may be used to satisfy the laboratory science requirement. (Does not satisfy the 12-hour elementary education requirement).
- If a student fails to pass a CLEP test, the test may be retaken after a three-month waiting period.
- Credit will not be awarded until the student has successfully completed one fall or spring semester at WTAMU.
- WTAMU does not accept the general exams of CLEP. No essays are required.
- Credit by examination may not be earned for courses in which a student received a grade, including an "I."
CLEP Preparation
- CLEP Information Booklet
- Be sure to visit the CLEP Prep Center for useful tips on preparing for any of CLEP's 33 exams.
- Also available are individual subject study guides, which can be downloaded for $10 each, and the CLEP Sampler, which is free.
- CLEP Online Registration Form
Note: To register for CLEP testing, you must schedule a testing time with the Office of Educational Services at 806-651-2341. By sending in the registration form with your payment, you are not guaranteed a testing time.