Student Health Insurance 

WTAMU Student Medical Services does not require that students have insurance prior to receiving services. SMS highly recommends that all students have health insurance to cover medical expenses.   

If the student has health insurance, SMS will collect the information and file with the insurance compay.  A copy of the insurance card will be required at the time of check in.  Any balances not paid by the student's  insurance carrier will be transferred to the student's fees at the Student Medical Services Department.  A verification of benefitis does not guarantee payment.  SMS is not in network with Medicaid, Chips, Superior, Molina, Texas Women's, STAR, and Aetna insurance at this time.  

Insurance Policies Available 

2024-2025 Texas A&M System (TAMUS) Student Health Insurance Plan

Underwritten by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX)

If you have not setup a login and password with AHP, please go to to complete this process.  

Full Time (undergraduates taking at least 9 hours or more or graduates taking 5 or more credit hours) are eligible to purchase the AcademicBlue  Student Insurance plan. 


Online Enrollment Periods

Fall Early Arrival (coverage beginning 08/01/2024) 06/21/2024 - 08/16/2024

Fall (coverage beginning 09/01/2024) 06/21/2024 - 10/01/2024

(Fall Installment Option ends 09/30/2024)

Spring/Summer - 11/15/2024 - 02/14/2025

(Spring Installment Option ends 01/31/2024)

Summer I (coverage beginning 05/17/2025) - 04/01/2025 - 06/03/2025

Summer II (coverage beginning 07/01/2025) - 06/01/2025 - 07/15/2025

Click on enrollment on the top of Academic HealthPlans, Inc. to get started

  • No Annual Maximum

  • Preventative Services covered at 100%

  • Student Health Services paid at 100% (deductible waived)

  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas PPO Network and Blue Card for traveling

  • Easy Online Enrollment

  • Includes Global Emergency Services


 Dental Insurance is also available to students  Texas A&M System Student Dental

lf you have any questions, please call Customer Care at 1-877-624-7911
(8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, CST, Monday - Friday)




  1. Who is required to have insurance and why? All United States citizens and all international students are required to have health insurance.­ On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. The law puts in place comprehensive health insurance reforms

  2. What documents or information will the student need for SMS to bill their health insurance company (ies)?

  • Please provide SMS with the most current health insurance card. (please include both front and back of the card) This will include the insurance carrier, policy number and group number of the insured.­
  • If you would like to­ e-mail a PDF copy of health insurance cards to or fax­­ 806-651-3289.­ Please be sure that the copy of the insurance card is legible and includes a the name of the student and the student's Buffalo Gold Card number.­ Please also provide a telephone number in case we have questions.­
  1. ­Will the student need to pay a co-pay for the visit? No.­ Because students pay tuition that includes a health fee, which supports the basic operations of WTAMU Student Medical Services, it will NOT be necessary for us to charge a co-pay for services.

  2. Is it the student’s responsibility to file a claim? ­­­ No.­ The WTAMU Student Medical Services Department will submit the claim to the billing agency.­ This billing agency will file the claim with the insurance­ company(ies).

  3. What if my claim is denied or un-collectible by my insurance company?­ You have the right to file an appeal with your insurance carrier, but must notify Student Medical Services if an appeal is being filed.­ You will receive a bill in the mail for the basic fees incurred (lab, medications, x-rays and certain procedures).­­ As with all non-insured patients, you will have up to 14 days to pay the balance before an academic hold and a $2.00 processing fee is placed.­ Once the balance is paid the hold will be removed.­­
  4. What will NOT be billed by insurance?

  • Pharmaceuticals/Medications
  • Allergy Injection Semester Fee
  • TB Testing
  • Varicella Titers
  • Meningitis Vaccine that has been documented as a tuition payment.­ (The student can either submit their insurance claim for the vaccine or place the payment on their tuition bill.­ We cannot do both.)
  • Referrals, health care or health expenses incurred outside WTAMU Student Medical Services.­ The patient or the outside facility must file the claim.­
  • No shows/non cancellation fees
  • Processing fees/late fees
  • Thermometers
  • CPR/AED, First Aid or BLS classes
  • Boot Liners
  • Medical equipment that has been loaned to the patient
  • Rabies Vaccines must be purchased  in advance
  • Medicaid/Medicare claims
  1. ­­­­­­­­What if the student doesn’t want a confidential lab, medication or procedure to be submitted to insurance?­ The student can self pay for any lab test, medication or procedure that they do not want to have submitted to insurance.­ Please inform the receptionist or nurse to remove the insurance billing for this procedure or daily submission.­

  2. ­Students that have military insurance coverage:  Please submit the insurance card that includes the name and Social Security Number of the sponsor and the region. 

  3. WTAMU is in network with:  Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United Health Care and First Care. 

  4. WTAMU is not a Medicaid or Medicare provider. 

  5. WTMAU cannot file claims with Molina, Superior,  Amerigroup  or Kaiser. 

  6. WTAMU is not in network with Aetna at this time but we can file your claims. 

  7. What does out of network mean? 

    When a doctor, hospital or other provider accepts your health insurance plan we say they’re in network. We also call them participating providers. When you go to a doctor or provider who doesn’t take your plan, we say they’re out of network. The two main differences between them are cost and whether your plan helps pay for care you get from out-of-network providers.

  8. Please note that all payments made with a major credit card must be made in person in  the Student Medical Services office.
