The Killgore Research Center was completed in March of 1966 and contains approximately 25,000 square feet of space dedicated to the support of faculty and student research.  The center promotes research and support for faculty members in the preparation of proposals.

Located centrally, just north of Old Main, the Killgore Research Center is not only home to world-class researchers but also hosts the Graduate School, the Attebury Honors ProgramMcNair Scholars Program, Academic and Research Environmental Heath & Safety (AR-EHS), and Sponsored Research Services (SRS). 

KRC 102 - Office - Graduate School Conference Room
KRC 102 - Office - Samantha Jewett
KRC 102B - Office - Cailyn Nymeyer
KRC 102C - Office - Dr. Angela Spaulding
KRC 102D - Office - Emily Key
KRC 102E - Office - Heather Wilson 
KRC 103 - Graduate Suite
KRC 103A - Graduate School Conference Room
KRC 106 - Office - Dr. Rex Pjesky
KRC 107 - Office - Attebury Honors
KRC 107A - Office
KRC 107B - Office - Gwynne Walker
KRC 109 - Office
KRC 113 - Office
KRC 115 - Office - Ashley Oakes
KRC 114 & 116 - Lab - Dr. Naruki Hiranuma
KRC 117 - Office
KRC 118 & 120 - Dr. Maha Shrestha
KRC 119 - Office - Dr. Naruki Hiranuma
KRC 121 - Office - Dr. Maha Shrestha
KRC 122 - Office - Dr. De'Arno De'Armond
KRC 123 - Office
KRC 124 - Office
KRC 127 - Lab - Environmental Chamber
KRC 129 - Lab - Dr. Erik Crosman
KRC 130- Office
KRC 131 - Lab - Dr. Keshav Shrestha
KRC 133 - Lab -
KRC 135 - Lab - Dr. Jason Yarbrough
KRC 136 & 138 - Office - Student "Bullpen"
KRC 137 - Office - Kaaren Downey
KRC 139 - Office - AREHS "Bullpen"
KRC 140 - Lab - Dr. Jason Yarbrough
KRC 142 - Lab - Dr. Shiquan Tao
KRC 143 - Lab - Dr. Stephen Karaganis
KRC 145 - Office - Steve McLean
KRC 146 - Office
KRC 147 - Office - Mark Garrison
KRC 152 - Office - Tokoni Forun
KRC 156 - Office - Information Technology Staff
KRC 158 - Office - Rita Smith
KRC 159 - Office - Environmental Health and Safety
KRC 159 - Office - John Blundell
KRC 159 - Office - 
KRC 159A - Office - Genifer Schuster
KRC 159B - Office - Jimmy Gray
KRC 160 - Office
KRC 161 & 163 - Lab - Dr. Jim Rodgers
KRC 162 - Office
KRC 164 - Office - Dr. Syed Anwar
KRC 167 - Office - Serena Smith
KRC 170 - Lab - Dr. David Khan 
KRC 172 - Lab - Dr. Nick Flynn
KRC 174 - Killgore Conference Room
KRC 176 - Office - Kimberly Hanna
KRC 178 - Office - Richard Smith
KRC 179 - Lab - Dr. David Parker
KRC 180 - Lab - Dr. Stephen Karaganis
KRC 182 - Lab - Dr. Stephen Karaganis & AR-EHS
KRC 184 - Office - McNair Scholars Program
KRC 184A - Office - Victoria Salas
KRC 184B - Office - Kirby Kelley-Diaz