The following guidelines were developed to ensure consistency for University branding of official WT printed material and webpages. The University follows The Associated Press Stylebook along with the following guidelines.
A B C D E F H I J L M N O P Q S T U V Wabbreviations
Spell out the entire name in the first reference. Do not follow this with the abbreviation in parenthesis. An abbreviation, usually without periods, can be used thereafter. Per the AP: "A few universally recognized abbreviations are required in some circumstances. Some others are acceptable, depending on the context. But in general, avoid alphabet soup [emphasis added]. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms that the reader would not quickly recognize."
Ex. The performance is in the Branding Iron Theatre. The modern-day BIT opened in the Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex in 2006.
Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of an abbreviation/acronym derived from a proper noun: RFPs, IDs, CEOs, RNs, SATs, ACTs, etc.
administrative and academic colleges, departments, offices and organization
Capitalize entire names of WT’s colleges, departments, offices and organizations in first reference. Lowercase all subsequent references when the formal name is not used in its entirety.
Ex. She works at Cornette Library and has been with the library for five years.
She works in the Department of Art, Theatre and Dance.
She is the director of admissions.
She is the director of the Office of Admissions.
Capitalize the official name of organized groups or classes of students.
Ex. The sculpture was donated by the Senior Class.
The Class of 1954 will be honored this year.
See also colleges and departments.
Adviser is suggested for general use. Buff Advisor is the exception.
Affect is a verb that means to influence or produce a change. Effect is usually a noun that means the result.
Ex. The power outage affected all departments. The players felt the effects of the power outage when the game had to be postponed.
The University’s affiliation with The Texas A&M University System may be stated in one of two ways:
As a phrase—A Member of The Texas A&M University System; or as a complete sentence—West Texas A&M University is a member of The Texas A&M University System.
The preferred term is Black (with a capital "B") when referring to race. African-American refers to Black individuals living in the United States who have African ancestry. The term African-American excludes Blacks whose national origin is other than African and who are not American citizens. Hyphenate when used as a noun or adjective. Note: See also ethnic designations.
Ex. The number of African-American students has increased in recent years. She enjoyed her class in African-American history.
Always use figures.
Ex. The 19-year-old student took graduate-level courses. The student, who is taking 16 semester credit hours, is 24 years old. The dean is in his 50s. (No apostrophe)
alumna—singular, a female graduate
alumnae—plural form of alumna
alumnus—singular, a male graduate
alumni—plural, male and/or female graduates (Students who attended WTAMU but did not graduate should be referred to as former students.)
Use an ampersand only when it is part of an organization’s formal name. It should never be used as an indiscriminate replacement for the word “and.” (One space should appear before and after but not between the “A&M” in West Texas A&M University.)
Ex,. The Department of Communication at West Texas A&M University will host the Guy Yates Speech, Theatre and Media Camp again this summer.
An event cannot be described as annual until it has been held for at least two successive years; there's no such thing as a "first annual" or "second annual" event. Instead, write that sponsors plan to hold the event annually.
possessives, add 's with the following exceptions:
Ex. student's books
witness's answer; witness' story
Tennessee Williams' plays
Attebury Honors Program
Three words, capitalize, no apostrophe.
On first reference, use William H. and Joyce Attebury Honors Program.
Capitalize when it’s part of the official name, otherwise lowercase.
Ex. Faculty Excellence Award, Staff Council Employee of the Year Award, etc.
Capitalize Board of Regents. Lowercase when used separately, except when “regent” is used as a formal title. (Plural: boards of regents).
Ex. The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents met yesterday. The Board of Regents met yesterday. The A&M System board met yesterday. The board is chaired by Regent John D. White.
Capitalize when referring to the University’s nickname. Buffs and Lady Buffs also can be used.
The names of some buildings present more challenges than others. Here are a few that have historically caused problems for writers:
Agriculture and Natural Sciences Building
When referring to rooms on campus, capitalize the word “room” followed by the room number.
Ex. The Office of Continuing Education will offer a defensive-driving class in Old Main Room 220.
Capitalize official names; do not capitalize unofficial, informal, shortened or generic names. Do not capitalize in phrases such as the center, the institute or the recently renovated museum. Do not capitalize seasons or semesters (Spring Break is an exception).
Ex. The College of Engineering, but the engineering school. Texas Task Force 1, but the task force. Capitalize names of celebrations, such as Founders Day. Do not capitalize seasons, semesters or academic periods. (The exception is Spring Break.) Dr. Ballard will teach the Philosophy and History of Adult Education class next semester. He will teach advanced geology. She enrolled in fall 2021 but decided to postpone graduate school after she won the lottery.
Lowercase century, spelling out numbers less than 10.
Ex. fifth century, 21st century
chair or chairperson
In general, use terms such as chair or chairperson, councilperson unless the -man or -woman terms are specified by an organization.
city, state, national and federal
Lowercase in all “city/state of . . .” constructions.
Ex. the city of Canyon, state of Texas, etc.
Lowercase when used as an adjective to specify a level of jurisdiction.
Ex. We are expecting state Rep. David Swinford.
Capitalize when part of a proper noun or when part of a formal title before a name
Ex. Canyon City Council, City Manager Glen Metcalf, City Health Commissioner Frank Smith
class year
When referring to an alumnus in text, include the last two digits of his or her class year after the name with an apostrophe. When referring to an alumnus with multiple degrees, list the degrees in the order in which they were received. When referring to a couple who are both alumni of the same university, include the last two digits of the class year with an apostrophe after each person's name.
Ex. The parade marshal was Sandra Miller '66. "The campus has changed since I was a student," said Seth Mandrake '44, '46 (M.B.A.). Marvin '70 and Helen Mayes Albert '70
One word
One word
Use a hyphen when forming nouns, adjectives and verbs that indicate occupation or status.
Ex. co-author, co-pilot, co-editor
Do not use a hyphen in other combinations.
Ex. coed, cooperate
colleges and departments
Names of WT colleges and departments should appear as follows:
Paul Engler College of Agriculture & Natural Sciences
Department of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Chemistry and Physics
Department of Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business
(No separate departments)
Terry B. Rogers College of Education and Social Sciences
Department of Education
Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice
Department of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work
College of Engineering
(No separate departments)
Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities
Department of Art, Theatre and Dance
Department of Communication
Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages
Department of History
School of Music
Office of General and Applied Sciences
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Department of Communication Disorders
Laura and Joe Street School of Nursing
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences
Graduate School
Use a colon after an independent clause to list, restate, clarify or illustrate.
Ex. Illustrate the correct usage of the following punctuation marks: commas, semicolons and colons.
Use commas to separate three or more items in a series, but do not put a comma before the conjunction unless it is necessary for comprehension.
Ex. The flag is red, white and blue.
The school offers classes in mathematics, Texas and American history, and sociology.
Use a comma to separate an introductory clause or phrase from a main clause; however, the comma may be omitted after short introductory phrases if no ambiguity results.
Ex. On Aug. 21 the board will convene.
When a conjunction such as “and,” “but” or “for” links two clauses that could stand alone as separate sentences, use a comma before the conjunction.
Ex. He teaches political science, and she works in the library.
A comma should follow a state or nation when preceded by a city.
Ex. The WT speech team traveled to Topeka, Kan., for the tournament.
Academic degree credentials immediately following a name are set off by commas. Please note that a professional title (ex. Dr.) and degree credentials (Ph.D.) are never used together in the same reference.
Ex. Walter V. Wendler, Ph.D., is the University’s 11th president.
Jr., Sr. and III are not set off by commas.
Ex. Dr. David Rausch Jr. will address the graduates.
Capitalize formal names of committees, including the word “committee.” Otherwise lowercase.
Ex. University Oversight Committee, Committee on Budgets and Finance, the budget committee, etc.
congressman, congresswoman
Rep. and U.S. Rep. are the preferred first-reference forms when a formal title is used before the name of a U.S. House member. The words congressman and congresswoman, in lowercase, may be used in subsequent references that do not use an individual’s name, just as senator is used in references to members of the Senate.
Ex. The congresswoman will attend as the president’s guest of honor.
course titles
Capitalize principal words when citing the official name of a specific course(s). Official course titles are listed in the West Texas A&M University Catalog. Set the title in quotes only if necessary for understanding.
Do not capitalize subjects except for proper nouns.
Ex. He registered for “Principles of Accounting,” “Composition and Reading” and “Western Civilization.”
He registered for accounting, English and history classes.
Two words
course work
Two words
cum laude
Two words, lowercase
Use time/date/location styling.
Ex. The event will be held at 7:30 p.m. March 21 in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center.
Spell out names of months when standing alone or with a year alone.
Ex. She will graduate in December 2005.
Do not use a comma between month and year or season and year.
Ex. The grand opening is expected to be in fall 2009.
When a phrase refers to a month and day within the current year, do not include the year.
Ex. She will attend this year's convention on Feb. 15, and she plans to attend next year's on March 1, 2023.
When a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate January, February, August, September, October, November and December. Never abbreviate March, April, May, June or July.
Ex. The meetings are scheduled on Aug. 15, Nov. 22, March 4 and June 28.
A comma should follow the year when used with a month and day.
Ex. The concert is Oct. 23, 2023, in Mary Moody Northen Recital Hall.
Do not use ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd . . .) in a date.
Ex. Semester final exams begin Dec. 5.
Spell out days of the week when used in text material.
Ex. The lecture begins at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10.
Dean’s List
Use periods but no spaces in academic degrees: B.A., M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Ed.D.
Use the apostrophe in bachelor’s degree and master’s degree except when referring to more than one bachelors' degrees or multiple masters' degrees.
Doctorate is a noun. Doctoral is an adjective.
Ex. He has a doctorate in agriculture.
He is working on a doctoral degree in agriculture.
directions and regions
Lowercase directions. Capitalize regions.
Ex. West Texas A&M University is located in the Texas Panhandle, 15 miles south of Amarillo.
district attorney
Lowercase except when used as a formal title before a name.
Ex. District Attorney Bob Smith has pressed charges.
The district attorney of Caldwell County has pressed charges.
Use DA (no periods) only in quoted material.
One word, lowercase
Entitled means a right to do or have something. Do not confuse this with the word “titled.”
Ex. The student was entitled to the award.
He presented a paper titled “Improving Mobility for Children with Special Needs.”
ethnic designations
Capitalize proper names of nationalities, peoples, races, tribes, etc., as well as Black.
Do not hyphenate African American, Asian American, Mexican American, Cuban American, etc.
When summarizing data, these designations are often used: white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian, international and unknown.
Note: See also African-American and Hispanic
faculty and staff
"Faculty" and "staff" are collective nouns that should be used in the singular. (Use “member” or “members” with "faculty" and "staff": faculty member, staff members, members of the faculty, etc.)
full time, full-time
Hyphenate when used as a compound modifier.
Ex. He is on a full-time contract.
She works full time.
fundraiser, fundraising
One word
Ex. A fundraiser was hired.
As a fundraiser, the auction was a huge success.
Two words. Do not hyphenate when used as a compound modifier.
Ex. She received wonderful health care.
He works in the health care field.
Use to refer to people of Spanish or Spanish-and-Portuguese ancestry or Spanish-speaking persons of Latin American origin living in the United States. Use an individual's country of ancestry, such as Cuban American, if such designation is pertinent.
Note: See also ethnic designations
Hyphenate compound words that are used as adjectives.
Ex. full-time job, well-known speaker, 12-year-old boy.
Do not hyphenate compound words that have an “-ly” ending or those that are used as nouns.
Ex. firmly held opinion, sharply reduced prices .
Whenever self is used as a prefix, it is always followed by a hyphen.
Ex. self-confidence, self-worth .
“Suspension” hyphens are used when parts of the compound words are separated from each other.
Ex. The first- and second-place awards were presented at the banquet.
Use periods and no spaces in names with initials. P.J. Pronger is the former director of the University’s Small Business Development Center.
Lowercase, one word
Capitalize before a name when it is the formal title for an individual who presides in a court of law.
Do not use court unless necessary for comprehension.
Ex. U.S. District Judge John Sirica, federal Judge John Sirica, state Supreme Court Judge William Cushing.
Capitalize and abbreviate these titles when used before a name(s) in the first reference of regular text: Gov., Govs., Lt. Gov., Rep., Reps., Sen., Sens.
Add U.S. or state (lowercase) before a title only if necessary to avoid confusion.
Ex. U.S. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum spoke with state Sen. Hugh Carter.
Spell out and capitalize titles before one or more names in a direct quote. Titles are not needed on second reference unless it is in a direct quote.
Ex. “Representative David Swinford has agreed to be one of the guest speakers at the luncheon,” she said.
Spell out and lowercase representative and senator in other uses.
Ex. John Doe, the senator from Alaska, asked the representative from Iowa to play golf.
The state senator is expected to attend.
legislature, Texas Legislature, legislative
Capitalize this noun in all references to a particular legislative body, such as “the Texas Legislature,” which can also be referred to as “the Legislature.”
Ex. The Texas Legislature will vote on the issue.
Lowercase legislative as well as legislature when used as a generic term.
Ex. No legislature has approved the amendment.
The amendment doesn’t have legislative approval.
Lowercase all academic majors except proper nouns.
Ex. He is a mathematics major, and his wife is an English major.
magna cum laude
Do not capitalize
military titles
Capitalize and abbreviate (except in very rare occasions) a military rank when used in first reference as a formal title before an individual’s name.
Spell out and lowercase when standing alone and when it is substituted for a name.
Ex. The book was written by Gen. Jim Smith.
The general will announce his decision at this afternoon’s briefing.
Spell out numbers below 10. Use numerals for 10 and above. (Exception: Always use numerals for addresses, ages, dates, decimals, page references, percentages and dimensions.)
Ex. The five students competed in 15 tournaments.
Studies show that 50 percent of students enrolled in colleges and universities today are 24 or older.
Spell out first through ninth. Use numerals for 10th and above.
Ex. The crowd cheered when the Buffs made their first touchdown.
He placed 10th in the saddle bronc competition.
When large numbers must be spelled out, use a hyphen to connect a word ending in “y” to another word.
Ex. Forty-two students applied for the scholarship.
Use a comma in numbers of 1,000 and above, except for ACT/SAT test scores, temperatures and dates.
Avoid using a number to begin a sentence. If reconstruction is not possible, spell out the number. Calendar years are the one exception.
Lowercase, one word, no hyphen.
over/more than
"Over" generally refers to spatial relationships.
Use "more than" with numbers or amounts.
Ex. The plane flew over the city.
Their salaries went up more than $20 per week.
part time, part-time
Hyphenate when used as a compound modifier.
Ex. He is on a part-time contract.
She works part time.
Spell it out.
Ex. 5 percent, 1.35 percent.
As a general rule, avoid symbols in text material (exception—$ for amounts less than one million).
Use numerals rather than spelling our numbers less than 10.
The percent symbol (%) may be used in charts, graphs and tabular formats.
Use one space after periods in text.
professor emerita, professors emeritae, professor emeritus, professors emeriti
honorary title bestowed on select retired faculty members
professor emerita—singular form for a woman
professors emeritae—plural form for a group of women
professor emeritus—singular form for man
professors emeriti—plural for a group of men or a group of men and women
Quotation marks appear in pairs with one exception; if an individual’s dialogue extends more than a paragraph, put quotation marks at the beginning of each paragraph but only at the end of the final paragraph.
Quotation marks within quotations require single marks.
Ex. The professor asked, “Have you read the poem ‘To Autumn’ by Keats?”
Commas and periods should be placed inside the closing quotation marks in all circumstances.
Ex. “The research papers are due tomorrow,” he said.
Colons and semicolons appearing at the end of a quote should always be placed outside the closing quotation marks.
Ex. The stunned student said, “No way”; the professor said, “You’ve known about the assignment for weeks.”
Question marks, exclamation points and dashes go either inside or outside the closing quotation marks depending on their function. If they are punctuating the quoted material itself, they go inside.
Ex. “Will the speech tournament last all weekend?” he asked.
Do you think the professor will say, “Five points off for late papers”?
Capitalize when part of the official name of a scholarship, otherwise lowercase.
Ex. Pat Sullivan Scholarship, Frank and Patsy Heflin Scholarship, etc.
seasons and semesters
Lowercase seasons of the year.
Ex. Registration for the spring semester begins Monday.
Lowercase semesters, sessions and intersessions when defined by seasons. If the terms are defined by a specific month, capitalize the month, but lowercase “semester," "session” and “intersession.”
When "self" is used as a prefix, it is always followed by a hyphen.
Ex. Enrollment during the spring semester was up by more than 50 students.
Students are encouraged to earn extra credits during winter intersession and May intersession. self-esteem, self-help, self-proclaimed, self-propelled.
Semicolons may be used to connect closely related independent clauses not joined by coordinating conjunctions.
Ex. I ordered the book you requested; we no longer have it in stock.
Semicolons may be used to separate a series of items that require internal commas.
The speech team traveled to Lubbock; Topeka, Kan.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; and Los Angeles, Calif.
Note: See also Capitalization
Spell out names of states when they stand alone in text.
When preceded by a city, names of most states should be abbreviated according to The Associated Press Stylebook; however, Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah are exceptions to the rule and should never be abbreviated.
The name of the state is not necessary when referring to Texas cities unless it’s necessary for clarity and comprehension.
Ex. He attended high school in Guymon, Okla., and Perryton.
Many large U.S. cities are easily recognized and don’t need to be identified by state. Otherwise, the name of the state should follow.
Ex. The speech team competed in Atlanta, Boston, Houston and Nashville.
She was born in Concordia, Kan.
summa cum laude
Do not capitalize.
Always include area code with campus phone numbers.
Ex. For more information, call the Office of Communication Services at 806-651-2121.
For internal purposes, it is permissible to use Ext. 2121.
Use hyphens in bodies of text.
Periods may be used between the area code, prefix and last four numbers of the phone number in display text such as in advertising.
Ex. 806.651.2121
The Prairie News
Capitalize The Prairie News. Do not italicize or place in quotes.
Use theatre in all WT references, otherwise use theater.
Ex. The theatre department will present four productions this year.
The Texas A&M University System (A&M System)
The A&M System’s official name is The Texas A&M University System. Each word, including “The,” should be capitalized. There are no spaces between the “A,” the “&” and the “M” in The Texas A&M University System.
Use A&M System for second and all subsequent references when referring to The Texas A&M University System.
Ex.. A&M System Members
Universities (11): Prairie View A&M University, Tarleton State University, Texas A&M International University, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University-Central Texas, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, Texas A&M University-Texarkana, West Texas A&M University
Agencies (8): Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, Texas A&M Forest Service, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Texas Division of Emergency Management, Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory
Health Centers (2): The Texas A&M College of Dentistry, The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
When referencing the A&M System, use “The Texas A&M University System” on first reference (with a capital “T” in “the”) and “the A&M System” or "Texas A&M System" on second reference. • To prevent confusion in publications for external audiences, always use “the A&M System” or "Texas A&M System" on second reference, not just “system” alone. • In publications for internal audiences, the word “System” can be used alone on second reference. In this instance, capitalize “System.”
Use figures except for noon and midnight. Never use 12 a.m. or 12 p.m.
Lowercase a.m. and p.m.
Use a colon to separate hours from minutes. Do not use ":00."
Ex. West Texas A&M University will host a Brown Bag Lunch at noon.
The seminar is from 8–11:30 a.m. Thursday.
The store is open from 8 a.m.–6 p.m. weekdays.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Lowercase civil and professional titles unless they immediately precede the name.
Ex. WT’s vice president for student enrollment, engagement and success is Mike Knox.
Vice President for Student Enrollment, Engagement and Success Mike Knox will deliver the keynote address.
The vice president for studentenrollment, engagement and success will deliver the keynote address.
Lowercase and spell out titles in constructions that set them off from a name by commas.
Ex. Randy Rikel, vice president for business and finance, will be in attendance.
WT’s vice president forbusiness and finance, Randy Rikel, will deliver the keynote address.
Do not use both a professional and academic title in a single reference; eliminate one of the titles or separate the two with commas.
Ex.. WT President Walter V. Wendler will issue the statement.
The WT president, Dr. Walter V. Wendler, will issue the statement.
Dr. Walter V. Wendler, WT president, will issue the statement.
Capitalize formal titles when they are used immediately before one or more names. A formal title is one that denotes a scope of authority, professional activity or academic activity.
Ex. She invited Presidents Wendler and Long.
Other titles serve primarily as occupational descriptions and should not be capitalized.
Ex. astronaut Rick Husband, coach Rick Cooper, singer Buddy Knox
Note: Also see legislative titles and military titles.
Capitalization rules vary from discipline to discipline. As a general rule, go with the author’s preference. For more standard applications, follow the MLA Handbook; capitalize the first word, last word and all principal words, including words that follow a colon or hyphen in a compound adjective, and lowercase articles, prepositions, conjunctions and infinitives less than four letters long that fall in the middle of a title.
Put quotation marks around the names of books, movies, plays, poems, albums, songs, operas, radio and television programs, lectures, speeches, and works of art except the Bible, the Quran and other holy books, sculptures, software, games, and books that are primarily catalogs of reference material. In addition to catalogs, this category includes almanacs, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, gazetteers, handbooks and similar publications.
Use quotation marks for titles of works published within larger works (book chapters, songs, articles, thesis and dissertation titles and conference papers).
under way
Two words
United States/U.S.
Spell out "United States" when used as a noun. Use "U.S." only as an adjective.
Ex. I am a citizen of the United States. My favorite subject is U.S. history.
vice president
Two words, no hyphen
video conference
Two words
Do not capitalize when using this abbreviation for the World Wide Web. Website is one word, with no hyphen.
Ex. website, webpage, webcast, webmaster, web address, web browser.
West Texas A&M University
West Texas A&M University should be spelled out in its entirety in the first reference. WT or the University may be used thereafter. Capitalize the word “university” when referring specifically to West Texas A&M University.
There are no spaces between the “A,” the “&” and the “M.” (Wrong: West Texas, West Texas A&M, West Texas A & M University, West Texas A & M)
Note: Also see WT entry.
As a general rule, hyphenate “-wide” if the preceding word is capitalized: Texas-wide, University-wide
Otherwise, Lowercase: campuswide, citywide, nationwide, worldwide
WT is the official and acceptable acronym for West Texas A&M University as a second or subsequent reference or to stand alone on selected specialty items. Note that there are no spaces or periods. (Wrong: W.T.)
To indicate a decade, add an “s” to the first year in the decade with no apostrophe.
Ex. The buffalo was selected as the WT mascot in the 1920s.
Never spell out a year, even at the beginning of a sentence. Try to avoid beginning a sentence with a year when possible.
Ex. 1910 marked the beginning of a new era in education in the Texas Panhandle.
When referencing a range of years, do not abbreviate.
Ex. 1934–1938, 1998–2001, 2000–2002
When referencing one specific academic year, it is permissible but not mandatory to abbreviate the second year. (Turns of the century are exceptions; do not abbreviate 1899–1900, 1999–2000, etc.)
Ex. 1934–35, 2006–07
For more information, contact The Office of Communication and Marketing at 806-651-2124.