Summer 2023 Honors Seminar

HNRS 2373/3373-70 Sociology of Refugees, Asylees, and Human Trafficking
Dr. Nicole Kraus

Fall 2023 Honors Courses

Required for all Honors Students:

HNRS 2073-01

Intro to Honors (all incoming Honors Students):

HNRS 2171-01 Wednesday 1:00-1:50 p.m.

HNRS 2171-02 Friday 10:00-10:50 a.m.

Honors Core Courses:

BIOL 1406-45 Tues/Thurs 1:00-2:15 p.m.

CHEM 1411-45 Mon/Wed 9:30-10:45 a.m.

COMM 1318-45 Mon/Wed 9:30-10:45 a.m.

HIST 1302-45 Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:45 p.m.

Fall Honors Seminars:

HNRS 2373/3373-01 Modern East Asia Mon/Wed 1:00-2:15 p.m. Dr. Paul Clark

HNRS 2373/3373-02 Relationship Tropes & Expectations Hybrid Wed. 11:00-12:15 a.m. Dr. Carolyn Baum

Honors Specific Courses

Honors seminars, listed in the University catalog as HNRS 2373/3373 are unique courses taught by honors faculty from a variety of disciplines. The topics differ each semester. Courses are limited and generally have fewer students and often include trips, guest lecturers and other experiential learning activities.

HNRS 2073  Honors Colloquium, (0 credit, no cost), required each fall and spring semester

HNRS 2171  Honors I Seminar, required first fall semester of entering program

HNRS 2373  Honors Seminar, fall/spring

HNRS 3373  Honors Seminar, upper level requiring special approval, fall/spring

HNRS 4393  Honors Senior Capstone, fall and spring (requires completion of a capstone/thesis contract prior to enrollment)

Core Classes with Honors Format

Honors format courses are offered each semester on a rotating basis. Attebury Honors students are required to take 6-9 hours from the core courses listed below in order to graduate as an Attebury Honors Scholar. However, students are encouraged to take as many honors format courses as will work into their schedule. Honors format classes are generally smaller than traditional courses.

AGBE 2317-45 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics, every other spring

BIOL 1406-45  Biology I (stacked), fall

BIOL 1407-45  Biology II (stacked), spring

CHEM 1411-45  Chemistry I, fall (stacked - must enroll in corresponding lab)

CHEM 1411L-45  Chemistry I Lab (required lab on Friday)

CHEM 1412-45  Chemistry II, spring (stacked - must enroll in corresponding lab)

CHEM 1412L-45  Chemistry II Lab

COMM 1318-45  Interpersonal Communication, fall

ENGL 2331-45, 2343-45  World Literature, spring

HIST 1301-45  America, 1492-1877, fall—a HIST 1302 for FALL 2021

MATH 2413-45  Calculus I (stacked), fall

MATH 2414-45  Calculus II (stacked), spring

POSC 2306-45  American State and Local Government, spring

THRE 1310-45  Introduction to Theatre, every odd fall (cancelled for 2021FA)


Attebury Honors Program
Killgore Research Center, Room 107
Dr. Carolyn Baum
Director, Attebury Honors Program
(806) 651-3251
Gwynne Walker
Program Coordinator
(806) 651-2736