Partnering with AHEC

We partner with local community organizations to provide accredited, no-cost or low-cost continuing education opportunities for healthcare professionals.  Contact us to discuss partnership opportunities for your next event!


The Panhandle Area Health Education Center has upcoming continuing education events scheduled.  As more information is available concerning dates, locations and costs, this information will be posted here as well as our Facebook page.  


Department of State Health Services School Nurse Workshop (April 3, 2025)

School Nurses are WILD About Supporting Healthy Students!  This annual event will be held at the Happy State Bank Stadium in Canyon on April 3 (8:30am to 4:00pm).  Contact Panhandle AHEC for more information (, (806) 651-3480).


Senior Ambassadors Coalition - Aging Greatest Hits Eldercare Conference (April 10, 2025)

Calling all professionals and family members who provide care to our seniors!  Please save the date for this year's event.  Be ready to boogie to Aging Greatest Hits!  Conference flyer and registration information will be coming soon - keep an eye out here!  Click here to see the save-the-date flyer!


Enduring Material: ADHD Myths and Controversies: An Insider’s View

This video will focus on defining and diagnosing patients who have ADHD with compassion and respect, discussing facts on limiting cure and treatment options for patients with ADHD, identifying common myths regarding ADHD, and distinguishing potential inequalities that result in decreased treatment of minorities. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™️.

This video will be available June 9, 2023 – June 8, 2026.

For the event flyer, click here.

For the registration portal, click here.


Enduring Material: Left Behind-Rural Health

This video will focus on defining and diagnosing patients who have ADHD with compassion and respect, discussing facts on limiting cure and treatment options for patients with ADHD, identifying common myths regarding ADHD, and distinguishing potential inequalities that result in decreased treatment of minorities. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™️.

This video will be available June 9, 2023 – June 8, 2026.

For the event flyer and registration link,   click here.


2025 TNCC (Trauma Nursing Core Course) and ENPC (Emergency Nursing Pediatric Core) Courses - Amarillo College West Campus

The   Trauma   Nursing   Core   Course and   Emergency   Nursing   Pediatric   Course provider courses are designed to provide core level trauma knowledge and psychomotor skills associated with the delivery of professional emergency nursing care to the trauma patient. Content is presented through a combination of online pre-course modules, presentation and psychomotor skills stations.

Participants of ENPC and TNCC courses will receive a provider manual designed to reinforce the lectures/skills as well as directions to access a link which will enable them to view required online modules   prior  to attending the course.

Registration will be accepted on a "first-come, first-served" basis as enrollment is limited.

To view the TNCC flyer and registration instructions,  click here.   

To view the ENPC flyer and registration instructions,  click here.

For more information, contact Mr. John Sappington at:

(806) 382-3226 or email:


Future Events - more info to be posted soon!

PAHEC/PBHA Supporting Frontier Communities in Mental Health Rural Symposium & Resource Fair - Borger (April 11, 2025)

Golden Spread Activity Director Association Nursing Home Activity Director Update (May 16, 2025)

Region 16 ESC Back to School Nurse Conference (September 2025)


Frequently Asked Questions

Recommended browsers for accessing the registration link are Firefox or Google Chrome.  

What is your refund policy?

25% of the payment is forfeited if attendee cancels one week before the start of the event.  Refunds will not be given if it is less than a week before the event.  Call us at 806-651-3483 for extenuating circumstances or for more information.

If I am paying at the event, will I get a receipt? 

After paying by check, credit card or debit card at the event, you will be given a receipt of payment.

If I am paying prior to the event, will I get a receipt upon payment?

If paying prior to the event by credit card or debit card, you will be emailed a confirmation of payment.  

CASH PAYMENTS ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED FOR ANY EVENTS.   To pay by check for events, please complete registration and select "check" for payment method.  To send in a check prior to an event, make check payable to "Panhandle AHEC." Include your driver's license state and number,  and send to: Panhandle AHEC, WTAMU Amarillo Center, 720 S. Tyler Ste. 370, Amarillo, TX 79101.