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Educational Leadership Program

Master’s Comprehensive Examination

Deadline to register Spring for master’s comprehensive exam is March 7, 2022.

The master's comprehensive exam testing window for the Spring semester 2022 is
  March 31st
at 12:00 a.m. and ends at 11:55 p.m. April 3rd.

Deadline to register Summer for master’s comprehensive exam is June 13, 2022.

The master's comprehensive exam testing window for the Summer semester 2022 is
  July 7th
at 12:00 a.m. and ends at 11:55 p.m. July 10th.

Deadline to register Fall for master’s comprehensive exam is October 10, 2022.

The master's comprehensive exam testing window for the Fall semester 2022 is
  November 3rd
at 12:00 a.m. and ends at 11:55 p.m. November 6th.

All EDLD master's degree candidates are expected to test ONLINE.

You will not be able to register with Examity until you receive an email from grad school for clearance and approval.

Eligibility: If you are currently enrolled in your last semester of coursework and have applied for graduation by the Graduate School's deadline, or you have finished all coursework and applied for graduation by the Graduate School's deadline, you are eligible to register for the master's comprehensive exam.

Chevron steps down reading register, prepare, and test

•  Schedule the exam date and time on your calendar.
•  Register online for the exam.
•  Schedule online proctoring well in advance of the testing date.



•  Prepare for the exam using the study guide posted online.
•  Establish a testing strategy by understanding how the test is graded.



•  Log on to the online testing site 15 to 30 minutes early.
•  Pace yourself in accordance with your preparation for the exam and the time allotted for it.



About the Master's Comprehensive Exam

The master’s comprehensive exam is the culminating exam of a candidate’s master’s degree program. The comprehensive exam, required by the Graduate School, must be passed before the master’s degree may be conferred. In addition to the successful completion of all coursework as listed on a candidate’s degree plan, this exam is required for the degree, whereas the TExES is required for Texas educator certification. To be eligible for the master’s comprehensive exam, a candidate must either be enrolled in his/her last semester of coursework or have completed all coursework as outlined on his/her official degree plan. The exam is administered once each fall, spring, and summer - typically in November, April, and July. Once a candidate reaches the end of his/her program (defined as being enrolled in one's final semester immediately preceding program completion), s/he must submit the online registration for the exam in addition to reviewing links - from this page - to study materials for the exam. It is critically important to register and prepare for the exam early in the semester that coincides with the anticipated date of graduation. In addition to exam registration and preparation, candidates must also make all necessary arrangements for graduation, including the submission of their graduation application to the Graduate School by the required deadline and making necessary arrangements for regalia and graduation invitations.

Testing Venue

The testing venue availed to all candidates is online proctored testing. The exam is completed by the candidates within a "course" in WTClass with online proctoring provided by Examity. Master's comprehensive exams are administered once each fall, spring, and summer - typically in November, April, and July. The proctored online testing window extends from Thursday to Sunday.

Exam Content and Expectations of the Candidate

The master’s comprehensive exam in Educational Leadership requires the candidate to (a) reflect on the 30 semester hours of coursework in relation to the Principal TExES domains and competencies, (b) apply the Principal TExES competencies to real-life situations experienced during practicum or internship fieldwork, (c) describe how the candidate will achieve the competencies in his/her own principalship, and (d) analyze personal and professional strengths and weaknesses and devise a plan for continued improvement. The four written responses will be required in each of the six principal domains (a total of 24 written responses) during the four-hour timed exam.


The exams are graded in accordance with the master’s comps grading rubric. Results are reported to the candidates via email within two weeks of the administration of the exam.


Upon successful completion of the master's comprehensive exam and any remaining time on unfinished course work, and assuming the candidate has applied for graduation prior to the deadline, s/he is eligible for participation in the graduation ceremony. Information about graduation is provided on the Graduation page of the Graduate School website.