Committee Structure

Steering Committee
The Steering Committee represents the working leadership behind the WT 125 effort, chaired by the University’s President, Walter V. Wendler, and consist of eight total members, all of whom are internal to the University community.
This committee was assembled in June 2017 and worked through the summer to discuss the goals for the overall effort and prepare for the Kick-Off Meeting. Members of the Steering Committee lead the Kick-Off Meeting and were charged with making decisions on issues raised during the meeting. These defining decisions gave the WT 125 project its form. During the life of the project, the Steering Committee continues in this role, dealing with issues that arise, reviewing recommendations, and monitoring the University’s progress in implementing and assessing the recommendations of WT 125.
Academic Advisory Council and President's Cabinet
The Academic Advisory Council consists of representatives of major University components. It serves two important roles. First, it provides essential insight into the strengths and distinctiveness of WT. The insight is made available to all WT 125 participants. Second, the Academic Advisory Council and the President’s Cabinet as partners serve the most crucial role as the sounding board for recommendations generated throughout the process. This ensures that academic decision-making and organization effectiveness is paramount in the WT 125 process. Meetings are called and chaired by the Provost of WT at key intervals in the process.
Executive Advisory Committee
The Executive Advisory Committee members are representatives of organizations affiliated with WT and opinion leaders who have made outstanding contributions to leadership in education, commerce, and government. The purpose of the group is to give advice and counsel regarding the effort as it is underway. Members of the Executive Advisory Committee are welcome to attend any and all WT 125 meetings, but of primary importance were the three initial key meetings. The first meeting was the Kick-Off Meeting. At the Kick-Off Meeting, a folio of initial work was distributed. The goal of the first meeting was to ensure that the Steering Committee presented key information for the University. The Executive Advisory Committee met at critical intervals throughout the WT 125 process.
See the Full List of EAC Members
Leadership Council
The Leadership Council consists of approximately 50 individuals, chosen from both on- and off-campus. This group met with the Steering Committee immediately prior to the Kick-Off Meeting before joining the WT 125 Task Force. During this time, the combined group reviewed the goals of the project, the basic issues involved and the data gathered. The list of Theme Groups were also presented, discussed, and altered as necessary.
When the WT 125 Task Force joined the Kick-Off Meeting, five members of the Leadership Council (typically three from inside the University and two from outside) were assigned to lead each Theme Group. The Leadership Council members communicated to their Theme Group that group’s particular goals and issues and presented the data gathered and the analyses done up to the point of the Kick-Off Meeting. During the course of the project, each Leadership Council group was responsible for scheduling and setting the agenda for meetings of their Theme Group as well as producing interim and final reports to the Steering Committee.
Within the Leadership Council are the core of each Theme Group:
Co-Chairs: Two people, one from on-campus and one from off- campus, identified as Co-Chairs. The work of these individuals guide the process of identifying key issues relevant to the discussions of each Theme Group.
Facilitator: Each Theme Group has a facilitator. This person’s role, in addition to contributing to the leadership and discussion of the Theme Group, is to make sure that all Theme Group members are kept apprised of the progress of the group, and that administrative aspects of the Theme Group are carried out. This includes correspondence with the members of the group regarding meetings, progress reports and other information critical to the process. Each facilitator is from the campus of WT and has access to appropriate clerical support for the Theme Group activities. It is intended that a clerical support person from the facilitator’s home college/school or responsibility area attend meetings, take notes and assist in the administration of the Theme Group.
Resource: Each Theme Group has a resource person from the campus of WT to serve as the touchstone for information important to Theme Groups discussion. Resource people are identified as those that have networks and information relevant to each theme area or access to people that do.
Off-Campus Liaison: A member of each Theme Group is responsible for working with people from off-campus who have interest in, or vision for, the work of the theme area. This person communicates to people off-campus the work of the group, the findings, and other insight and information regarding the WT 125 process.
These five people in each Theme Group represent the core and have responsibility to ensure that Theme Group’s findings become part of the final report of WT 125.
An additional member serves on the Leadership Council of the Leadership Governance and Organization Theme Group:
TAMUS Governmental Relations Member: A governmental relations member of The Texas A&M University System serves the interests of WT. The role of the governmental relations member is to communicate state relations information, seek input and provide awareness that better positions WT to be responsive to the legislative environment in the future. Because of the unique nature and mixture of on- and off-campus participants, such discernment will be especially valuable.
WT Foundation Board
The WT Foundation Board reviews progress of the planning effort and provides insight regarding key issues. The Board has a strong commitment to the forward movement of the University and represents a geographic spread of interests from nearly all parts of the Panhandle, and, to some extent, the state and all academic areas.
Task Force
The WT 125 Task Force is the “brainpower” behind the project. It consists of about 300 individuals with substantial representation from the campus and the extended community. The Task Force, with the Steering Committee, Academic Advisory Committee, President’s Cabinet, Executive Advisory Board, WT Foundation Board and Leadership Council, attended the Lunch Presentation segment of the Kick-Off Meeting before dividing into the identified Theme Groups of the project.
Each Theme Group was introduced to the issues and goals of its particular area, as well as the data gathered and analyses done. During the life of the project, the Task Force members are responsible for investigating theme areas in great detail: gathering data, performing analyses and making comparisons with other institutions. Information will also be gained from “input sessions” with experts from inside and outside the University. The end product of all of this work will be a concise set of recommendations of what WT should undertake in order to retain its distinctiveness and to be considered among the top ten doctoral public universities nationwide by 2035.
This is the essence of the University’s generational planning work.