"Resource Page"

MKT 3346 Information Search 101

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If you are seeking information for an assignment, take a look at some of these areas for information you can use as a credible source for making a point in your work. Remember to always cite your sources. Visit the APA online or the WTAMU writing lab for more information regarding the citation of references. IF your particular major requires you to publish in an alternative format such as MLA, no problem--go with what you know as I have experience with multiple style manuals!

This is in no way an exhaustive list, if you find something worthy in a different area, you may wish to use it, provided it is credible and sourced.

WTAMU Cornette Library (the big stone building on the east side of campus...;-) What, you mean we have a "virtual" library? Did you know that WTAMU has one of the best online libraries in the State of Texas, if not the entire nation? YES!!! Check it out below!

Start your research quest with the Cornette Online Library Reference area. Concentrate on Subject Pathfinders for your information, and or online journals. Many of the journals, indexes, and abstracts listed below can be found right at your finger tips via the Internet. You may also wish to contact one of the many skilled Librarians and staff memebers at the Cornette Library as they are a very talented group capable fo helping you 24/7 with most research requests and or problems. Remember to reference the SOURCE of the information and not the individual database!

Internet Sources

Try a different version of GOOGLE...http://www.scholar.google.com

Reference Material

Value Line, Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, The Economist, The New York Times, Simmons Report, Advertising Age, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Marketing Online, Marketing News, Marketing Tools, American Demographics, Sales & Marketing Management, Buying Power Index, Company Reports (see web sites)

Indexes & Abstracts

Business and Company Resource Center
Business Source Premier
First Search
Lexis-Nexis Academic

Selected Marketing Journals

Journal of Marketing
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing

International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journal of Global Marketing
Strategic Management Journal
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Business Strategy
Harvard Business Review
Sloan Management Review
California Management Review
Long Range Planning
Business Horizons
Journal of Consumer Affairs


















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