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WT Faculty Celebrate Promotion and Tenure; 10 Retirements Also Marked
Copy by Chip Chandler, 806-651-2124, cchandler@wtamu.edu

Photo: Newly minted associate professors include, from left, Dr. Ray Barbosa, Dr. Nancy Garcia, Dr. Audrey Meador, Dr. Vinu Unnikrishnan and Dr. Adam Weiss. Dr. Lorna Strong is not pictured.
CANYON, Texas — Fifteen West Texas A&M University faculty members have been recognized for outstanding performance by being awarded tenure and/or promotion for the 2024-2025 academic year.
This total includes six faculty members awarded tenure and promotion to associate professor and nine promotions in academic rank to professor.
Extensive reviews and recommendations by faculty colleagues at the department, college and university levels inform the decisions, which culminate with final approval by President Walter V. Wendler and The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents. The Regents officially approved promotion and tenure at their May meeting.
WT’s recommendations were announced at the annual spring address, which also included recognition of the retirements of 10 WT faculty members.
Promotion and tenure is a privilege reserved for faculty members who have demonstrated professional accomplishments in instructional responsibilities, intellectual contributions and service.
“We are proud of our colleagues who are celebrating this well-deserved career milestone,” said Dr. Neil Terry, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs. “We have confidence that these faculty members will continue to contribute at a level of excellence that is critical to WT’s mission.”
The faculty members recognized include:
Award of tenure and promotion to rank of associate professor:
- Dr. Nancy Garcia, associate professor of communication;
- Dr. Lorna Strong, associate professor of sports and exercise sciences;
- Dr. Ray Barbosa, associate professor of education;
- Dr. Adam Weiss, associate professor of education;
- Dr. Audrey Meador, associate professor of mathematics; and
- Dr. Vinu Unnikrishnan, associate professor of engineering.
Promotion to professor:
- Dr. Bridget Guerrero, professor of agricultural business;
- Dr. Tim Steffens, professor of rangeland resource management;
- Dr. Leslie Ramos Salazar, professor of business communication;
- Jon Revett, professor of art;
- Dr. Betty Coneway, professor of education;
- Dr. Janet Hindman, professor of education;
- Dr. Erick Butler, professor of engineering;
- Dr. Nathan Howell, professor of engineering; and
- Dr. Kenneth Leitch, professor of engineering.

Photo: Faculty members celebrating retirement are, from left, RayLene Dysert, Dr. Susan Martin Tariq, Dr. Daniel Seth, Dr. Robert Hansen and Dr. David Parker.
Retiring faculty members include:
- Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences: Dr. John Pipkin, Regents professor of agriculture, Paul Engler Professor of Animal Science and director of WT’s Equine Industry Program; and Dr. David Sissom, Regents professor biology and former department head of Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Chemistry and Physics;
- College of Engineering: Dr. Rajan Alex, professor of computer science; Dr. David Parker, associate professor and extension specialist in water engineering: and Dr. Daniel Seth, professor of mathematics;
- Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities: Dr. Helen Blackburn, Yvonne Franklin Chair in Music; Sandra Davidson, instructor of Spanish; RayLene Dysert, instructor of English; Dr. Robert Hansen, Regents professor of music and former director of the School of Music; and Dr. Susan Martin Tariq, professor of percussion.
Nurturing excellent faculty is a key component of the University’s long-range plan, WT 125: From the Panhandle to the World .
That plan is fueled by the historic One West comprehensive fundraising campaign, which reached its initial $125 million goal 18 months after publicly launching in September 2021. The campaign’s new goal is to reach $175 million by 2025; currently, it has raised nearly $160 million.
About West Texas A&M University
WT is located in Canyon, Texas, on a 342-acre residential campus. Established in 1910, the University has been part of The Texas A&M University System since 1990. WT, a Hispanic Serving Institution since 2016, boasts an enrollment of about 10,000 and offers 59 undergraduate degree programs and more than 40 graduate degrees, including two doctoral degrees. The University is also home to the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, the largest history museum in the state and the home of one of the Southwest’s finest art collections. The Buffaloes are a member of the NCAA Division II Lone Star Conference and offers 14 men’s and women’s athletics programs.
Top photo: West Texas A&M University faculty members celebrating promotion to professorships include, from left, Dr. Leslie Ramos Salazar, Dr. Bridget Guerrero, Jon Revett, Dr. Betty Coneway, Dr. Nathan Howell, Dr. Kenneth Leitch and Dr. Erick Butler.