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WTAMU Site of Post-Financial Crisis Seminar, Part V
Nov. 22, 2011
COPY BY: Rana McDonald, 806-651-2129
CANYON, Texas—"Globalization and the Changing Post-Financial Crisis Environment" will be the topic of a special international business seminar from noon to 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30 in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center, Legends Club at West Texas A&M University.
Speakers for the seminar are Pat Ware, vice president of Amarillo National Bank, Dale Duhan, professor of marketing at Texas Tech University, and Jim Owens, head of the Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance and professor of finance at WTAMU. The event is organized and moderated by Dr. Syed Tariq Anwar, professor of marketing and international business at WTAMU, as part of his MKT 5/4340 class. The four speakers will talk about today’s globalization and its ongoing post-financial crisis environment, its impact on the Texas Panhandle and global markets as well as other important issues.
According to Anwar, this is the fifth seminar in a financial crisis seminar series which started in 2008 when global markets witnessed major disruptions and bankruptcies. The global financial crisis caused extensive damage and geo-political setbacks. Since then, major structural changes have taken place worldwide and continue to cause havoc in the U.S. and other markets. It’s a topic that continues to be part of media discussions and business seminars.
Anwar said today’s financial markets and their changing global environments are not without controversies and will continue to attract pro- and anti-globalization circles in the U.S. and other countries. At the same time, the seminar is timely and will provide useful and relevant information to the WT and the business communities. Previous financial crisis seminars were conducted at WTAMU in 2008, 2009 and 2010.
The program is free and open to WTAMU students, faculty and the business community. For more information about the seminar, call Anwar, at 806-651-2491 or visit the website at wtfaculty.wtamu.edu/~sanwar.bus/seminars-NEW.htm#2011_IBSeminar_PartV.