Faculty and Staff Accomplishments

Oct 28, 2008

Oct. 28, 2008

COPY BY:    Rana McDonald, 806-651-2129,

Faculty and Staff Accomplishments

Dr. Lal K. Almas, associate professor of agricultural business and economics, was a presenter at the International Conference on Policy Modeling July 2-4 in Berlin, Germany. His presentation was titled "Economic Optimization Models to Project Income and Hydrologic Changes: A Case of Groundwater Management in Texas." Research was funded by USDA-ARS Ogallala Aquifer Program. Almas also served as a chair for a session on "Agricultural Issues."

Dr. Bruce Brasington, professor of history, is the author of an article published in the 2008 edition of Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung, 125 (2008) 38-65. The article is titled "Nihil incertius quam vita adolescentium: Adolescence in the Decretum and Decretist Commentary" and concerns the legal status of adolescents in 12th century ecclesiastical law.

Dr. Roy Issa, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is the author of a paper published in the July 2008 Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 30. The paper is titled "Numerical Investigation of the Chilling of Food Products by Air-Mist Spray." He presented the paper at the international conference July 5 in Paris, France. He also chaired one of the conference sessions on heat transfer and fluid mechanics.

Dr. Anne Macy, Gene Edwards Professor of Finance, is the author of an article published in the 2008 Academy of Educational Leadership Journal. The article is titled "Student-Managed Investment Funds: A Framework for Regional Schools."

Dr. Elizabeth Matos, assistant professor of nursing, was a presenter at the seventh annual Summer Institute on Evidence-Based Practice June 25-28 in San Antonio. Her poster presentation, "Capstone Evidence-Based Project," examined the integration of evidence-based practice into nursing curriculum and the impact on nursing practice in new graduates. Co-authors are Flo Jemes and Vicki Hartin, instructors of nursing.

Dr. Suzanne S. Monroe, professor of education, is the author of "Check It Out: Diverse Images of the Library Experience in Children’s Literature," which was published in July in School Libraries Worldwide, Vol. 14, an international online journal of the International Association of School Librarianship affiliated with the University of Alberta, Canada.

Dr. Darlene Pulliam, McCray Professor of Business and professor of accounting, was a presenter at the 2008 annual meeting of the American Accounting Association Aug. 3-6 in Anaheim, Calif. The paper was titled "Transfer Pricing—Lessons Learned n the GlaxoSmithKline Case." Co-presenter was  Dr. Sharon Burnett of Oklahoma State University.

Dr. Clay Robinson, professor of plant science, participated in filming part of a documentary on the Dust Bowl for the History Channel in June. The documentary premiered in October and was inspired by the best-selling book by Tim Egan titled The Worst Hard Time. In June Robinson participated in opening activities of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum Exhibit "Dig It: The Secrets of Soil" ( and served on a state committee to raise funds to have the Texas State Soil (Houston black clay) monolith in the All American Soils Exhibit. Robinson also served as an external reviewer for the agricultural grant program for Ministerio de Agricultura in April.

Dr. Neil Terry, dean of the College of Business and professor of economics, Dr. LaVelle Mills, associate dean and professor of management, and Marc Sollosy, instructor of management, are authors of an article published in July in the Journal of College Teaching and Learning. The article is titled "Student Grade Motivation as a Determinant of Performance on the Business Major  Field ETS Exam." Terry and De’Arno De’Armond, instructor of marketing and finance, are authors of "The Determinants of Movie Rental Revenue Earnings" published in the fall issue of The Academy of Marketing Studies Journal.