First Production Meeting - 18 weeks out
At the first production meeting for each show, the director will present a prepared, written concept statement to the production staff. This may include anything he/she feels will aid in the understanding of the concept, including furniture.
Also, t the first production meeting for each show, the technical director will present an overview of the budget, the schedule for the production and specific parameters for production planning. Production team members should keep this information in mind as they progress toward opening.

Preliminary Set Design Deadline - 16 weeks out
The following items are to be presented at the production meeting:

  • present research
  • sketched floor plan
  • sketched centerline section
  • Thumbnail sketches of the set
  • Color ideas of all major set props
  • Rough sketches of any special or unusual units
  • Designer's initial set prop list (set props, furniture, set dressing, rugs, etc.)

Preliminary Costume Design - 16 weeks outThe costume designer will present rough sketches of all costumes and costume pieces in the production, including personal props. On each should be a note explaining whether it is to be pulled, rented, or built and as many color swatches as possible.

Preliminary Prop List (From Director) - 15 weeks out
List includes props the director envisions for blocking and action (this should be a carefully thought out list, not a photocopy of the back of the script edition). It should include as a minimum, the number of each item and a brief description. Especially important at this time are any consumable items such as food, cigarettes, etc.

Preliminary Technical Statement Deadline - 15 weeks out
Following approval of a preliminary design, the production technical director will prepare and submit the following:

  • Preliminary materials estimate by scenic unit
  • Preliminary labor estimate
  • A list of stock items to be used
  • A list of suggested materials and techniques to be used

If the design is within budget, the technical director will give approval for progress toward the final design stage. If the design is not within budget, suggestions retaining integrity of the design will be offered. Agreement will be reached between the designers and the technical director before progressing to the final design stage. To budget the productions accurately, all three of these preliminaries must be on time and as accurate as possible.

The costume designer will provide a basic budget breakdown by character and list of what needs to be pulled, bought or rented. The list will be discussed with the costume design adviser for approval.

Revised Set & Costume Design Deadline - 14 weeks out
The completed set design will be presented. It will include as a minimum:

  • Revised rough sketches for Scenery & Costumes; discussion of color
  • Revised ground plan
  • Fabric swatches

Final Set & Costume Design Deadline - 12 weeks out

  • Drafted floor plan in 1/4" scale
  • Drafted centerline section in 1/4" scale
  • Rendering, color model or white model
  • Drafted front elevations of all scenic units in 1/2" scale
  • Full furniture plots including notes on items to be built or found
  • Final set prop list. Sketches of set props and notes on items to be built or found.

Detail Set Design Drawings Complete - 10 weeks out

  • Detail drawings of any unusual units to be built
  • Detailed drawings or photographs of all set props

Set Construction Drawings Complete (from technical director) - 8 weeks out

  • Technical ground plan and section in 1/2" scale
  • Hanging schedule
  • Drafted Technical Elevations in 1/2" scale
  • Shift plot
  • Materials and cost estimate
  • Construction schedule

Costume Construction Begins - 8 weeks out
The costume designer will meet with the costume shop manager and outline the production, make assignments and assemble all needed materials. Weekly updates and adjustments should take place each following week.

Painter's Elevations Complete - 7 weeks out

Set Construction Begins - 7 weeks out
The technical director will meet with the shop foreman and master carpenter to outline the production, make assignments and assemble all needed materials. The first "to-do" list should be submitted to the shop foreman. Weekly updates and adjustments should take place each following week.

Preliminary Sound Cue List (From the Sound Designer) - 6 weeks out
This list should include the director's desired sound cues and a brief description of each cue and approximate length. In the case of underscoring, pre-show, intermission and post-show sound, the description may be as specific as individual songs or as general as the period which the sound should evoke.

Preliminary Prop Viewing - 5 weeks out
The director, stage manager, prop master, scenic designer and technical director will meet to look at all objects pulled or built based on the initial prop list. Specific choices will be made about props.

Preliminary Lighting Design - 4 weeks out
The preliminary lighting design will include:

  • A designer's concept statement outlining the designer's approach
  • A floor plan showing the major acting areas broken down into lighting areas
  • A color key

Final Prop List - 3 weeks out
The final list of properties, prepared by the director and stage manager. It should be complete and include numbers and detailed descriptions of all items.

Final Light Plot - 3 weeks out
The final lighting design will include:

  • Drafted light plot in 1/2" scale
  • Hook-up lists
  • Gel cut list

Final Sound Plot - 3 weeks out
Plot should include cues from the director's sound cue list and additional cues the sound designer envisions after discussion with the director. Written cue sheets indicating operation and placement should be completed.

Light Hang - 14 days out
Crews will be called to hang and cable the light plot.

Final Prop Viewing - 13 days
The director, stage manager, prop master, scenic designer and technical director will meet to look at all final properties. No additions will follow this viewing. Cuts which prove to be necessary will be made at this time.

Light Hang - 10 days out
Crews will be called to focus the lighting plot.

Crew Watch
This is a run through on stage that gives crew members their only chance to watch the production. The stage manager will schedule the crew for this watch; it will occur directly before tech week.

Writing of Light cues - 8 days out
Light Designer will program light cues onstage.

Dry Tech - 6 days out
Technicians only. The rehearsal may be run by the technical director or, preferably, the stage manager. The purpose is to sort out problems such as timing, correctness of shifts, placement and the sorting of cues. Dry techs are called by the technical director if necessary. A cue-to-cue rehearsal may be called instead of, or in conjunction with the dry tech date on the master schedule.

Technical Rehearsal - 5 days out
Either cue-to-cue or stop and go.

Involves technician and actors. This rehearsal is run by the stage manager. The technical director participates only to the extent that his/her help is required and only when requested. Cue-to-cue tech polishes timing and exactness. No single problem within a cue-to-cue should cause delay for more than five minutes. Longer problems should be addressed after rehearsal. The production skips major portions and performs what is necessary for each cue.

Stop and Go
Involves all production personnel. The stop and go is for timing and creating the performance sense of the production. The rehearsal is run and stopped only by the stage manager. Again, the five minute problem rule should be enforced. The production is run in its entirety with stops called only when problems occur. The goal of either rehearsal is to not waste time.

Costume Parade
Costumes are paraded by the cast for the costume designer, director and actors. This allows the designer to make necessary adjustments. The actors can familiarize themselves with costume order, which is beneficial with period costumes.

1st Dress - 4 days out
Usually a run-through by the stage manager with actors in costume for the first time. Stops occur for major problems only.

2nd Dress - 3 days out
Actors in second dress and make-up run by the stage manager with stops occurring for major problems only.

3rd Dress - 2 days out
Actors in their dress and make-up run by the stage manager with stops occurring for major problems only.

Final Dress - 1 day out
All production personnel respond as if the rehearsal were a performance.


All members of the production, theatre majors and students enrolled in practicum courses are required to participate in strike. Following the final curtain, each member of the production should contact the technical director for their assigned work area. Dismissal from strike is only authorized by the technical director and as soon as work is completed.

Mary Moody Northen Hall, 161
WTAMU Box 60238, Canyon, TX 79016