Goal 6: Strengthen Existing and Create New Strategic Relationships

The Pioneering Spirit

Goal 6:
Strengthen Existing and Create New Strategic Relationships

The University will create and engage boards that include business, local government leaders, donors, alumni and other stakeholder groups to advise University leaders on regional needs. The University also will bolster partnerships with The Texas A&M University System, universities, community colleges and schools, and it will create regionally focused industry-university partnerships and/or centers.

Strategy 6.1

Create and engage boards that include business, local government leaders, donors, alumni, and other stakeholder groups to advise University leaders on regional needs.

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Strategy 6.3

Create regionally focused industry-university partnerships and/or centers.

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WT 125 Logo
The goals and strategies detailed in the University’s five-year strategic plan, The Pioneering Spirit: Pursuit of WT 125, aim to achieve the mission as laid out in the University’s long-range plan, WT 125: From the Panhandle to the World.