Goal 1: Enhance the Academic Experience of All Students

The Pioneering Spirit

Goal 1:
Enhance the Academic Experience of All Students

The University will support innovation and success in teaching excellence, while maintaining and creating high-quality academic resources and services. High-impact academic experiences will be increased, and student expenses will be reduced by accelerating campus efforts toward low-cost, no-cost and open educational resources. The University also will expand the number of its doctoral programs and attain the Carnegie Classification Doctoral/Professional University designation.

Strategy 1.5

Attain the Carnegie Classification Doctoral/Professional University designation (conferring 20 or more doctoral degrees annually) by expanding the number of doctoral programs. 

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The goals and strategies detailed in the University’s five-year strategic plan, The Pioneering Spirit: Pursuit of WT 125, aim to achieve the mission as laid out in the University’s long-range plan, WT 125: From the Panhandle to the World.