Ring Ceremony


Passing your ring through the eternal flame is a time-honored tradition at West Texas A&M University. A defining moment in history took place in 1914 when the original Old Main and only building on campus, burned to the ground. Two years later in 1916, the present building was dedicated with glorious fanfare. Since that time, the flame has been an important symbol of West Texas A&M University. Representing the burning desire and quest for knowledge, the flame can be seen on the University's logo and seal.

As you watch this video, understand that your ring has symbolically been passed through the flame as a sign of your lifelong attachment to our WT. You will then turn your ring out to face the world, armed with the knowledge and confidence provided by an outstanding education at WTAMU.


2020-2021 Graduates

Ceasar Escalante

Ceasar Anthony Escalante

Ceasar Anthony Escalante graduates May 2021 with a degree in Digital Communications and Media. He is from San Antonio Texas. Upon graduation, he plans to work in the journalism field. His favorite memory at WT was making memories with friends and colleagues. His favorite professor was Dr. Li Chen because she always made the class enjoyable while having a great teaching style. Ceasar would like to thank his parents, John and Grace Escalante for always pushing him to strive for better in the world. He could not have obtained his degree without their help in showing him the big picture. “I love you both more than you will ever know.”

It's been a long journey, but so worth every late night of studying and stressing about exams.

Alyssa Garcia

Alyssa Garcia

Alyssa Garcia is a General Business major that will graduate from WTAMU in December of 2020 with a Bachelor’s degree. She is from Kress, Texas. Her dream job upon graduation is to operate her mobile coffee shop full-time, and to attend law school with the ultimate goal of becoming a law professor.

Her favorite memory while attending WT was finding out she had been nominated to be a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success. Her favorite professor was Dr. David Howe who taught Leadership and Teamwork. “It was always a fun class and it really challenged my thinking. I’m grateful for the friends I made during the class, and the group project we completed together.” Alyssa thanks her parents, grandparents, brother, fiancé and son for their support, encouragement and motivation. “I’ve never been good at keeping up with rings, but I’m going to try my best to not lose this one. I am very grateful to have this class ring as a symbol of my accomplishments.”

Ciara Garcia

Ciara Elise Garcia

Ciara Garcia graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May of 2020. She is from Canyon, Texas. She is currently a registered nurse at BSA Health Systems in Amarillo. While at WT, she was a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. Her favorite memory while at WT was joining her sorority and getting into the nursing program. Both made her a better person and more prepared for the growing healthcare industry. Her favorite professor was Priscilla Correa in Community Health. “We got to be a part of something bigger when hosting the annual WT Health Fair. It made me realize that nursing is not just a career, but a lifestyle change to always be selfless and serve others.” To my family and friends, “saying thank you is just not enough. I am very blessed to have had my life filled with amazing individuals who truly hold a special place in my heart.” Ciara graduated in May 2020, but her memories of WT are something that are irreplaceable.

Alyssa Gonzales

Alyssa Gonzales

Alyssa Gonzales is a May 2021 graduate of WT with a major in Media Communication/Broadcast Journalism. She is from Lubbock, Texas, and will receive a Bachelor of Arts. She also served as an intern with the Latino Lubbock Magazine in the summer of 2020. Her dream job upon graduation would be to write and create content for a sports news or news outlet. Although Alyssa has no one specific memory, she values the friends she made and the events and places she was a part, and holds them dear. She had several professors who were her favorites – Dr. Nancy Garcia, Dr. Michael McFarland and Dr. Dan Hanson all created a positive environment, provided great encouragement and allowed a fun learning space. Alyssa thanks her parents for absolutely everything! “Both of you have always believed in me and supported me in everything that I do. I don’t know where I would be with you two. I am forever grateful for the endless amount of love and always reminding me of my capabilities. I love you both!”

Yesica Gonzalez

Yesica Gonzalez

Yesica Gonzalez is from Spearman, Texas, and will graduate with a Bachelor’s in Health Science, Pre-Healthcare Professional in May of 2021. Upon graduation, she will attend Texas Tech University’s Occupational Therapy program. Yesica has gained so many amazing friends while attending WT, and attending here has been the best decision she has made. Her favorite professor would be Dr. Jere Lee as he taught with great passion and truly cared for his students. What he taught will go with me in Occupational Therapy school as well as life. I say to my family thank you for all your unconditional love and support during this amazing journey.

Kennedy Nichols

Kennedy Nichols

Kennedy Nichols hails from Fischer, Texas, and will graduate in December 2021 with a Bachelor of Science Pre Vet Animal Science degree. She cherishes every day at WT as meeting lifelong friends have turned into family. Her favorite class was Animal Breeding with Dr. Thomas Perkins and Swine Management with Dr. Tennett. The topics were very interesting and taught very well. I would like to thank my parents, grandparents, and brother for all the sacrifices they made to help me to get where I am. They have been rocks and pushed me to be my best. The ring ceremony is special to me because my grandmother, Roya Gore, a WT alum, recently passed away. I received my class ring on the day she passed. We were very close, and it was a special moment for me. What a great way for me to know she witnessed my achievements from her own college. Today I wear my class ring as well as my grandmother’s.

Alyssah Pranschke

Alyssah Mariah Pranschke

Alyssah Pranschke, from Rockwall, Texas, is a December 2020 graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English. She plans to continue her education to become a Clinical Psychologist. Her favorite memory is one where she signed up last minute for a talent show in Cousins Hall. I had never performed in front of people, and although it wasn’t a serious performance, it took me way out of my comfort zone and it’s a WT memory I won’t forget! My favorite class by far was the English Capstone class which pushed me to dig deep into literary text to broaden my own fascinations about literature and psychology. I constantly found myself wanting to research more and more to create my own theories and arguments. I enjoyed the teachings and passion of English delivered by Dr. Monica Hart and Dr. Ryan Brooks. Dr. Matthew Harrison truly pushed me to do my best and taught me ways to incorporate my thoughts and to find fun in the classroom. He really prepared me for Graduate School and future studies. I am so grateful to my parents for believing in me and pushing me to achieve my goals in life. I love you so very much. It took me six years to finish school, but it was so worth it to find myself and my passions. Be patient and persistent for anything is possible.