Major Confucian Ideas
ENG 2371--Dr. Jacobsen

Confucianism descends from the Analects (sayings) of a Chinese philosopher named Confucius ( 551-479 B.C.E.).  Below are the major premises of this philosophy, which sought primarily to preserve the values of the Chou Dynasty (1125-255 B.C.E.).

The Silver Rule--"Do not impose on others that which you yourself do not desire"--is the central ethical principle in Confucian thought.  Through study and righteousness (literally adherence to Chou rites), the Silver Rule could be achieved by cultivating two behaviors: chung--being true to the principles of your own nature and shu--practicing those principles in regard to others.  Once these behaviors were adopted, the Golden Mean developed, leading ultimately to benevolence or kindness and wisdom.  Thus, benevolence is the highest good,  the gentleman/scholar is the ideal being, and the cultivation of life through study and proper actions is the supreme duty.  If these individual goals are achieved, familial harmony, social justice and world peace will result.  This ripple effect is referred to as Cultural DNA.

Confucius argued that the Chou values would work better if everyone accepts his or her place and respects others.  A question one might ask about this is whether Confucianism is a system of mutuality based on sincere and properly maintained relationships or a system of authority that derives its power from rigid social stratification.

Below are elements of the Chou beliefs that Confucius advocated.

Five Virtues

Five Relationships
Prince over Subject--Righteousness
Father over Son--Affection
Husband over Wife--Division of Labor
Older Brother over Younger Brother--Sense of Sequence
Friend over Friend--Trust

Five Classes