Acceptable Use Policy
WTAMU GRE Math Study Session Website
WTAMU > Virtual Math Lab > GRE Math
Copyright allows legal protection for original works
that are both
published and unpublished. It gives the owner of copyright
the exclusive right and also the right to authorize others to basically
reproduce, distribute copies of, and display or perform copyrighted
It is illegal to violate copyright laws. However, there are
to these rights as discussed in the Fair Use section.
All contents of the WTAMU GRE Math Study Session are copyrighted (C) 2003 - 2011, by WTAMU and Kim Seward. All rights reserved.
Throughout this website, we link to various outside sources.
and Kim Seward do not have any ownership to any of these outside
and cannot give you permission to make any kind of copies of anything
at any of these websites that we link to. It is purely for you to
link to for information or fun as you go through the study
Each of these websites have a copy right clause that you need to read
if you are wanting to do anything other than go to the website and read
it. We discourage any illegal use of the webpages found at these
sites. |
Fair Use is a privilege. It allows users to
copyright for such
purposes as criticism, comment, news reporting, research, teaching and
scholarship without permission of the owner. However, the law is
vague on this issue and Fair Use is determined on a case by case
The law offers four factors to consider: (1) the purpose of the use,
a non-profit educational purpose; (2) the nature of the copyrighted
(3) Êthe the amount of copying; and (4) the effect of the copying
on the potential market for, or value of, the original work. But,
when in doubt, get copy right permission. |
Intellectual Property is the legal ownership of one's
It prohibits others from passing off your idea as their idea. A
example is plagiarism. |

WTAMU > Virtual Math Lab > GRE Math
Note that we can not
guarantee that you will pass your test after going through any of the tutorials in this website. However, it will definitely help you to
better understand the topics covered. WTAMU and Kim Seward are not
responsible for how a student does on any test for any reason including not being
able to access the website due to any technology problems.
GRE and Graduate Record Examination are the
registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). The material here has
neither been reviewed nor endorsed by ETS.
Throughout this website, we link to various outside sources.
WTAMU and Kim Seward do not have any ownership to any of these outside
websites and cannot give you permission to make any kind of copies of anything
found at any of these websites that we link to. It is purely for
you to link to for information or fun as you go through the study session.
Each of these websites have a copy right clause that you need to read
carefully if you are wanting to do anything other than go to the website and read
it. We discourage any illegal use of the webpages found at these
All contents
copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, WTAMU and Kim Seward. All rights reserved.
Last revised on December 22, 2008 by Kim Seward. |