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Tutorial 11: Complex Rational Expres

WTAMU > Virtual Math Lab > College Algebra > Tutorial 11: Complex Rational Expressions



check markAnswer/Discussion to 1a

problem 1a


Combining only the numerator we get:

*Rewrite fractions with LCD of y


Combining only the denominator we get:

*Rewrite fractions with LCD of y


Putting these back into the complex fraction we get:


*Write numerator over denominator



Step 3: If needed, simplify the rational expression.


*Rewrite div. as mult. of reciprocal

*Divide out a common factor of y

*Excluded values of the original den.

Note that the values that would be excluded from the domain are 0 and -1/2.  These are the values that make the original denominators equal to 0.




check markAnswer/Discussion to 1b

problem 1b

Step 1: Multiply the numerator and denominator of the overall complex fractions by the LCD of the smaller fractions.

The denominators of the numerator's fractions have the following factors:


The denominators of the denominator's fractions  have the following factors:



Putting all the different factors together and using the highest exponent, we get the following LCD for all the small fractions:


Multiplying numerator and denominator by the LCD we get:


*Mult. num. and den. by x(x +3)





*Factor the GCF of 2
*No common factors to divide out

*Excluded values of the original den.

Note that the values that would be excluded from the domain are 0, -3 and -7/2.  These are the values that make the original denominators equal to 0.



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WTAMU > Virtual Math Lab > College Algebra > Tutorial 11: Complex Rational Expressions

Last revised on Dec. 15, 2009 by Kim Seward.
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