Kal Demerew, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Office: Old Main 404B
Email: kdemerew@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2518
Website: https://kdemerew.com
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/kaldemerew
Professional Profile
Dr. Demerew is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at West Texas A&M University. He received his Doctorate in Politics and International Affairs from the University of South Florida and his bachelor’s from Washington University in St. Louis. He has received several academic honors such as the Adam Smith Fellowship and the Humane Studies Fellowship, and has served as a featured speaker at international symposiums on peace and security in Africa.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Demerew’s focus is on development and conflict issues in the international system. His teaching includes the introductory courses for Comparative Politics and International Relations, as well as advanced undergraduate courses in Middle Eastern Politics, Politics of Developing Countries, International Conflict, and African Politics.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Demerew specializes in the political economy of development, conflict, and state-building, particularly in Northeast Africa. His research examines the impacts of elite contentions and institutional norms on political development, the influence of domestic politics on regional conflicts, and the intersections of policy, technology, and development governance. His upcoming edited volume, Nile Basin Politics (Edward Elgar), examines domestic and nationalist drivers of conflicts over the Nile River. He has published his work in several peer-reviewed journals, including Nations and Nationalism, Third World Quarterly, and Society, and is currently completing a book manuscript titled Violence, Elites, and Institutions: State-building and Political Development in Africa (under contract, SUNY Press).