Math Help for Chemistry
WTAMU > Virtual Math Lab > Math for Sciences
This page is a work in progress. We are planning to add to and improve the content. Feel free to use what we have so far.
If you need help with the math part of chemistry, you have come to the right place. Note that this will not help you with direct chemistry topics, but will help you with the math required to solve various chemistry problems.
Note that you do not have to be a student at WTAMU to use this math in chemistry help session. It was created as a service to anyone who needs help with the math part of chemistry.
If this is your first visit to our website, please read the disclaimer.
There are nine main math concepts shown below. These represent some of the common types of math problems that show up in various chemistry courses. You can pick and choose which math topics go with your particular chemistry problems.
Under each specific concept, you will find links to in-depth
that will help you to learn and review the material. These tutorials
from the WTAMU Virtual Math Lab, which I
created. Within these tutorials, you will find pertinent
formulas, step-by-step explanations, an answer/discussion section with
step-by-step solutions, and links to other credible webpages that can
you further with that topic.
In math, when you study a specific topic, a lot of times you
are incorporating
other mathematical topics into solving the problem. Some of the
will overlap each other. This will help reinforce the concepts
need to know to do math in your chemistry class. Under some categories,
there is overlapping between the different levels (beginning, intermediate,
college) of tutorials. Find the algebra level that agrees
you most and do the tutorials under that level. If you
start below college level algebra, make sure that you make your way
up through college algebra.
The math part of chemistry at this website is split into nine main
*Note that not every math concept for chemistry is shown here, but we do plan to add some more topics at a later date.
Basic Mathematical Computations
This area contains basic math concepts. You
know, fun things like making sure you have the negative in the right
and remembering when you have to find the common denominator of your
Don't worry, I have the utmost confidence that you
will do much better with arithmetic than Calvin. |
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 3:
This tutorial covers:
- numerators and denominators of a fraction
- the prime factorization of a number
- simplifying a fraction
- finding the least common denominator of given fractions
- multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting fractions
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 5:
Adding Real Numbers
This tutorial covers:
- adding real numbers
- finding the additive inverse or the opposite of a number
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 6:
Subtracting Real Numbers
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 7:
Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers
This tutorial covers:
- finding the reciprocal of a number
- multiplying and dividing real numbers
- multiplying by zero
- the fact that dividing by zero is undefined
This area contains help in finding central tendencies. Sometimes in chemistry you need to be able to find an average or mean which is one of the central tendencies. |
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 34: Central Tendencies
This tutorial covers:
- finding the mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation and frequency
distribution of a list of values
Exponents and Scientific Notation
This area contains help in working with exponents and applying that to scientific notation problems.
You will find several levels (beginning, intermediate and college pre-req) of help in exponents. There will be some overlapping between the levels.
If a topic has tutorials in more than one level, try going under the highest level
first. If that is too hard for you, go to the tutorials of the
next level down, if available. If that is too hard for you, go to the
tutorials of the next level down, if available.
Once you find a level to start with, make sure that
if it is below college level, in the end you work your way up to college algebra.
The beauty of this is it is individualized.
You can go at your own pace at the comfort of your own computer. You
know better than anyone else what your algebra skills are.
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 26:
This tutorial covers:
- using the definition of exponents
- simplifying exponential expressions involving multiplying like bases,
zero as an exponent, dividing like bases, raising a base to two exponents,
raising a product to an exponent and raising a quotient to an exponent
Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 23:
Exponents and Scientific Notation Part I
This tutorial covers:
- using the definition of exponents, simplifying exponential expressions
involving multiplying like bases, zero as an exponent, dividing like
bases, and negative exponents
- writing a number in scientific notation
- writing a number in standard notation, without exponents
Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 24:
Exponents and Scientific Notation Part II
This tutorial covers:
- simplifying exponential expressions involving raising a base to two
exponents, raising a product to an exponent and raising a quotient to an exponent
- multiplying and dividing numbers written in scientific notation
College Algebra Tutorial 2:
Integer Exponents
This tutorial covers:
- using the definition of exponents
- simplifying exponential expressions involving multiplying like bases,
zero as an exponent, dividing like bases, negative exponents, raising a base
to two exponents, raising a product to an exponent and raising a
quotient to an exponent
College Algebra Tutorial 3:
Scientific Notation
This tutorial covers:
- writing a number in scientific notation
- writing a number in decimal notation without exponents.
College Algebra Tutorial 5:
Rational Exponents
This tutorial covers:
- rewriting a rational exponent in radical notation
- simplifying an expression that contains a rational exponent
- Using rational exponents to simplify a radical expression
Solving Linear Equations
This area contains help in solving linear equations.
You will find several levels (beginning, intermediate and college) of help in solving linear equations. There will be some overlapping between the levels.
If a topic has tutorials in more than one level, try going under the highest level
first. If that is too hard for you, go to the tutorials of the
next level down, if available. If that is too hard for you, go to the
tutorials of the next level down, if available.
Once you find a level to start with, make sure that
if it is below college level, in the end you work your way up to college algebra.
The beauty of this is it is individualized.
You can go at your own pace at the comfort of your own computer. You
know better than anyone else what your algebra skills are.
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 12: Addition Property of Equality
This tutorial covers:
- knowing what a linear equation is
- knowing if a value is a solution or not
using the addition and subtraction properties of equalities to solve
linear equations
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 13: Multiplication Property of Equality
This tutorial covers:
- using the multiplication and division properties of equalities to solve
linear equations
- solving an equation using more than one property
- knowing how to express consecutive integers in terms of x, if the first integer is x
- knowing how to express even consecutive integers in terms of x,
if the first even integer is x
- knowing how to express odd consecutive integers in terms of x,
if the first odd integer is x
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 14: Solving Linear Equations
This tutorial covers:
- solving linear equations by using a combination of simplifying and
various properties of equality
Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One Variable
This tutorial covers:
- knowing what a linear equation is
- knowing if a value is a solution or not
- using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division properties of equalities to solve linear equations
- knowing when an equation has no solution
- knowing when an equation has all real numbers as a solution
College Algebra Tutorial 14: Linear Equations in One Variable
This tutorial covers:
- knowing what a linear equation is
- knowing if a value is a solution or not
- using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
properties of equalities to solve linear equations
- knowing when an equation has no solution
- knowing when an equation has all real numbers as a solution
Solving Quadratic Equations
This area contains help in solving quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square and using the quadratic formula. |
College Algebra Tutorial 17: Quadratic Equations
This tutorial covers:
- solving quadratic equations by factoring
- solving quadratic equations by the square root method
- solving quadratic equations by completing the square
- solving quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula
- finding the discriminant of a quadratic equation and use it to tell how
many and what type of solutions the equation has
Solving Polynomial Equations by Factoring
This area contains help in solving polynomial equations by factoring.
You will find several levels (intermediate and college) of help in solving polynomial equations by factoring. There will be some overlapping between the levels.
If a topic has tutorials in more than one level, try going under the highest level
first. If that is too hard for you, go to the tutorials of the
next level down, if available. If that is too hard for you, go to the
tutorials of the next level down, if available.
Once you find a level to start with, make sure that
if it is below college level, in the end you work your way up to college algebra.
The beauty of this is it is individualized.
You can go at your own pace at the comfort of your own computer. You
know better than anyone else what your algebra skills are.
Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 30: Solving by Factoring
This tutorial covers:
- writing a polynomial equation in standard form
- using the zero factor property
- solving polynomial equations by factoring
College Algebra Tutorial 18: Solving Polynomial Equations by Factoring
This tutorial covers:
- writing a polynomial equation in standard form
- using the zero factor property
- solving polynomial equations by factoring
Solving Rational Equations
This area contains help in solving rational equations. |
College Algebra Tutorial 15: Equations with Rational Expressions
This tutorial covers:
- solving rational equations with rational expressions
- knowing if a solution is an extraneous solution or not.
Solving Formulas in General
This area contains help in solving problems containing formulas.
Special Note:
This tutorial is algebra based, so some of the formulas found here are not chemistry formulas. However, this area can help you with the concept of solving formulas in general, which then can be applied to solving formulas that are specific to chemistry.
You will find several levels (beginning, intermediate and college) of help in solving linear equations. There will be some overlapping between the levels.
If a topic has tutorials in more than one level, try going under the highest level
first. If that is too hard for you, go to the tutorials of the
next level down, if available. If that is too hard for you, go to the
tutorials of the next level down, if available.
Once you find a level to start with, make sure that
if it is below college level, in the end you work your way up to college algebra.
The beauty of this is it is individualized.
You can go at your own pace at the comfort of your own computer. You
know better than anyone else what your algebra skills are.
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 16: Percent and Problem Solving
This tutorial covers:
- converting decimal numbers into percents
- using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involving
Beginning Algebra Tutorial 32: Formulas
This tutorial covers:
- using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involving
geometry concepts, distance, mixtures and interest
Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 2: Algebraic Expressions
This tutorial covers:
- knowing what a variable is
- knowing what an algebraic expression is
- evaluating an algebraic expression given a value for a variable
- translating an English phrase into an algebraic expression
Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 9: Formulas and Problem Solving
This tutorial covers:
- solving a formula for a given variable
- using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involving
College Algebra Tutorial 16: Formulas and Applications
This tutorial covers:
- translating an English phrase into an algebraic expression
- using Polya's four step process to solve word problems
- solving a formula for a given variable
This area contains help in solving various logarithmic problems.
College Algebra Tutorial 43: Logarithmic Functions
This tutorial covers:
- knowing the definition of a logarithmic function
- writing a log function as an exponential function and vice versa
- graphing a log function
- evaluating a log
- finding the domain of a log function.
College Algebra Tutorial 44: Logarithmic Properties
This tutorial covers:
- being familiar with using properties of logarithms in various situations
College Algebra Tutorial 46: Logarithmic Equations
This tutorial covers:
- solving logarithmic equations.

Note that we can not
guarantee that you will pass your test after going through any of the tutorials in this website. However, it will definitely help you to
better understand the topics covered. WTAMU and Kim Seward are not
responsible for how a student does on any test for any reason including not being
able to access the website due to any technology problems.
Throughout this website, we link to various
outside sources.
WTAMU and Kim Seward do not have any ownership to any of these outside
websites and cannot give you permission to make any kind of copies of
found at any of these websites that we link to. It is purely for
you to link to for information or fun as you go through the study
Each of these websites have a copy right clause that you need to read
if you are wanting to do anything other than go to the website and read
it. We discourage any illegal use of the webpages found at these
All contents copyright (C) 2003 - 2011, WTAMU and Kim Seward. All rights reserved.
Last revised on January 12, 2011 by Kim Seward. |