I joined the College of Engineering at West Texas A&M University in 2017. I received a B.S. in Aircraft Design and Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2011, an M.S. in Applied Mathematics from University of Texas at Arlington in 2016 and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from University of Texas at Arlington in 2017.
I teach Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, and Machine Learning. My research interests include direct numerical simulation for turbulent flow, large eddy simulation for shock/boundary-layer interaction, objects detection and data mining in agriculture.

Recent Publications
Numerical study on the ring-like vortex structure generated by MVG in high-speed flows with different Mach numbers
Yonghua Yan, Yong Yang, Caixia Chen, Herious A. Cotton, Alitzel Serrano, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics , 2021
Countdown Timer
Count down time.
Riemann Sum
A web applet to interpret the Riemann Sum.
Graph Solid of Revolution
A web applet to graph solid of revolution.
Newton's Method
A web applet to interpret the Newton's iteration method.
Secant Method
A web applet to interpret the secant iteration method.
Hot Air Balloon
A web applet to show a hot air ballon rising straight up.
Speeding Car
A web applet to show a police cruiser chasing a speeding car.
Circle Tangent
A web applet to show a particle P moves along a circle.
Vector Equations of Lines
A web applet to show the vector equations of lines.
A web applet to show cycloid.
Parametric Curve
A web applet to show circle and astroid.
Linear Algebra
Math 3311
Machine Learning (I)
Math 6375