Delivery Tab

Delivery Settings: The default is Enabled. The alternative is Disabled. When Disabled is selected, there is no "Begin Practice Quiz" link. Disabled is another way to prevent students from taking the test similar to "Do not allow the students to view this item" in the Access tab.
Display: Do you see the "Note:" below the drop down box? You don't have to worry about the DHTML business. Both Internet Explorer and Firefox are DHTML. The possible settings here are "All Questions," "Single Question," and "Single Question - No Backtrack." Students will hate you if you select the last setting. If you have a long quiz and you're not worried too much about security, "All Questions" is the quickest for students to take a quiz. If you think students may be watching another student take the test and you want to minimize as much as is possible your quiz's compromise, you might want to select "Single Question." Let me show you what that looks like. I don't have any questions in my quiz yet, so I'm only pretending right now. Use your imagination to see a single-question display.

This is a multiple-choice question and the setting is "Single Question." I would click on the radio button that I think is the correct answer and then click on the Next button. If I was on question #8, I could click on Previous and it would take me to question #7. Or if I want to go to a non-adjacent question, I could select the number and click on the Jump to button. When I reached the end, I'd click on the Submit button.
Scramble the order in which questions are delivered: This is a nice feature. [NOTE: If there are 10 questions of 50 that need to stay together, remind me to tell you to put a "Section Header" in front and after (if you want them to be the first 10) of the 10 that are to stay together.] This feature works for all question types.
Scramble the order of choices on questions: This, too, is an enhancement of a nice feature. When I load my questions I always make a. the correct answer. If I forget to click this scramble checkbox, it makes for a really dull/easy test! Obviously this setting is designed for multiple-choice questions.
Time Limit: 0 is the default, which means it has no time limit. If you want the quiz to expire in 1 hour 30 minutes, type 90 in the box.
Time Warning: If you have set a time limit, you can choose a certain number of minutes before the quiz expires to scare the wadding out of students and throw them into panic mode. If you have set a time limit, there's a clock in the upper right-hand corner of the window that keeps track of the time remaining. Do whatever you want here, but the students do have a timer on the page.
Automatically submit when time limit expires: If you have set a time limit, no matter where the student is in finishing the quiz, when that time expires, the test will be taken from the student. If there's a five-minute time limit and the student works on the quiz for three minutes and logs out to go shopping for an hour and then comes back into the course, clicks on the quiz, thinking she (a guy wouldn't go shopping in the middle of a test) has two more minutes, she's going to get a Submit signal and the quiz will disappear. She'll e-mail you. You have to tell her that she needs to start a second quiz. If it was a quiz over two chapters and she stopped after the first, you could tell her to answer the questions in the second chapter and you will combine the points.

That's all for Delivery. If you want to Save your work, that would be fine. Let's move to the Submission tab or you can go to the Index page.