Photographs from our trip to the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area, Mustang Island State Park, and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge during July 2003.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

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Inland_side_Mustang_Island_SP3.JPG (57267 bytes) Inland_side_Mustang_Island_SP4.JPG (63048 bytes) Inland_side_Mustang_Island_SP5.JPG (85756 bytes) mistnet.JPG (192077 bytes) mistnet_cardinal.jpg (94864 bytes)
mistnet_cardinal_pyrrhuloxia.JPG (171744 bytes) mistnet_cardinal2.JPG (85679 bytes) mistnet2.JPG (129077 bytes) mistnet4.JPG (178981 bytes) Mustang_Island_SP.JPG (79859 bytes)
Mustang_Island_SP2.JPG (75234 bytes) Mustang_Island_SP3.JPG (91722 bytes) Mustang_Island_SP4.JPG (93686 bytes) pocket_mouse.JPG (57947 bytes) pocket_mouse2.JPG (58023 bytes)
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