European Parliamentary Governments


Table of Contents
Assignment #1 - Due September 10
Assignment #2 - Due September 24
Assignment #3 - Due October 17
Assignment #4 - Due November 7
Assignment #5 - Due December 3

Assignment #1 - Due September 10

    Go to the European Union webpage, where you will find lots of information on the institutions and policies of the European Union.  Search for material on "Agenda 2000" and the "Treaty of Amsterdam."  Also look at some of the general information and thematic factsheets, for instance on the institutions, policies, and history of the European Union.  In your paper, try to answer the following questions:

Try to develop an argument or thesis in your paper which tries to assess the question of success or failure of European integration.  Make sure to include the proper in-text citations and a list of references, i.e. all the sources you have been using in writing your assignment!  This is where the Rowman & Littlefield Guide to Writing with Sources comes in handy!

Length:  5-6 pages, double-spaced typed.

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Flag of United Kingdom Assignment #2 - Due September 24

    Go to a web site that provides general information about the United Kingdom, such as Dr. Dave's U.K. Pages (I wish I could claim credit for this site) or Information about Great Britain.  From there, follow links to "Politics" or "Government" and look for "Political Parties and Organizations."  There you will find links to a number of the British political parties.  Check out the sites for the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.  Which party is currently the governing party and which one is in opposition?  Who are the current leaders of Labour and the Conservatives?  How does each party present itself to the voters in its views or press releases?  What are their policies and goals?  Check out Labour's policies and explain how they differ from the Conservatives.  Pick a few specific policy areas like domestic or foreign policy and describe the main positions of the two parties on specific issues.  For instance, try to find out what the Labour Party's and the Conservatives' positions are on such issues as:

  1. education
  2. employment
  3. national health care
  4. European integration
  5. the Euro
  6. the war on terror
    Check out some of the other British political parties and find out how they differ from both Conservatives and Labour.  Write a four to five page paper (double-spaced, typed) on the Conservative party and the Labour party, describing and comparing their party programs and policies with each other.  Make sure to include the proper in-text citations and a list of references, i.e. all the sources you have been using in writing your assignment!

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Assignment #3 - Due October 17

    Here are some links with information about the government of France:  Political resources on France; European Governments Online - France; The Official Page of the French President; The Constitution.  The links will get you to sites that provide information about France.  Look for information on the French government and administration.  You should find information in English on the French Constitution of the Fifth Republic.  Read the articles of the constitution that define the powers of the French President (articles 5-19) and the articles that specify the functions of the French government, particularly of the Prime Minister (articles 20-23).  Who is currently the President of France?  Who is the current Prime Minister?  What parties do they come from?  When were the most recent French presidential elections?  Compare the powers of the President to the powers of the Prime Minister?  Which article defines the emergency powers of the President and what are these powers?  What extraordinary powers does the French president have that, for instance, the American president lacks?  Write a four to five page paper (double-spaced, typed) describing the powers of the French president of the Fifth Republic, comparing and contrasting them with the powers of the French prime minister and the American president.  Make sure to include the proper in-text citations and a list of references, i.e. all the sources you have been using in writing your assignment!

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German flag Assignment #4 - Due November 7

    [This assignment comes from Professor Hega of Western Michigan University.]  Please go to Dr. Hega's map page.  Take a look at the series of maps that show the development of the European countries since the Middle Ages.  What do the maps tell you about the emergence of nation-states in Europe?  Compare the changing boundaries of Germany with those of Great Britain, France, Italy and Sweden.  When did each of the five countries become a unified nation-state and acquire (approximately) its current borders?  What picture do Germany and Italy present from the 15th to the 19th century?  What role did Prussia and Austria play in Germany's unification process?  What impact did the two world wars have on Germany's and Europe's borders?  What is meant by the concept of Germany's "special path" in modern history?  To answer these questions, you may also do some research on the history of these countries on the Web.  You certainly should consult the Kesselman and Krieger text, especially the first chapter discussing Germany.  Write a four to five page paper on the political development and the changing political regimes of modern Germany in comparison to one of the other major European countries.  Try to relate Germany's political changes from 1648 to 1990 to major events in European history.  Try to develop an argument that either supports or rejects the thesis about Germany's "special path" of political development.  Make sure to include the proper in-text citations and a list of references, i.e. all the sources you have been using in writing your assignment!

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Medieval art Assignment #5 - Due December 3

    Go to the EuroDocs page on the Web where you will find facsimiles and reproductions of important historical documents for all the European countries, most of them in English.  Pick one European country that interests you, click on the country's name and go to the country page.  Select two documents from your country's modern period (18th Century - Present) [Please make sure that the documents come from the modern period].  Then write a four to five page paper in which you first explain which documents you picked and why.  What is the significance of the documents you selected for the political history of the country you are interested in?  What type of document are you analyzing, e.g., a constitution, a declaration, a political pamphlet, an important law, a peace treaty, a secret protocol, a caricature etc.?  What does each of your two documents say?  What are the main points or messages of each document?  Who is the author of each of the documents?  What issues does each of the documents address?  What is the historical and political context in which each of the documents were written?  What were the political effects?  What impact did the document have on the subsequent history of the country?  To answer these questions, you might need to do some additional research on the web and/or in the library.  Make sure to include the proper in-text citations and a list of references, i.e. all the sources you have been using in writing your assignment!

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