College of Nursing & Health Sciences
- Communication Disorders
- Health Sciences
- Nursing
- Sports and Exercise Sciences

Our mission is to develop professional and academic leaders in the health professions through technology-rich, rigorous educational programs. We prepare highly qualified, ethical graduates for work in a variety of health professions, enhancing the quality of life for the Panhandle region. Our faculty members are outstanding teachers and experts in their respective disciplines. They are eager to work with undergraduate and graduate students who aspire to careers in which the sciences, the arts, and compassion are integrated, making a difference in people’s lives.
"Our programs prepare students for careers in athletic training, audiology, nursing, physical education, speech pathology, and sports and exercise sciences. More than 70% of our graduates work in the region, supporting the health and wellbeing of the Texas Panhandle’s economy."
– Dr. J. Dirk Nelson, dean of the WTAMU College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Opportunities to Give
Professorships // $125,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $5,500)
Scholarships // $25,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $1,000)
Our College consists of the Department of Communication Disorders, the Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences, Health Sciences, the Panhandle Area Health Education Center, and the Department of Nursing. WT nursing graduates, over the past five years, have averaged a 97 percent score on the National Council Licensure Examination. Nationally, the average is 85 percent; in Texas, it’s 87 percent. Among other recent accolades, the WT nursing practitioner program was named the best in Texas by Nursing Process. WT’s family nurse practitioner program was ranked No. 4 in the country by College Choice recently ranked the online RN to BSN program as the third best in the country.
"Throughout one’s career, a faculty member will influence hundreds of lives through courses taught, students being mentored, as well as through research. Endowed professorships at WT play a significant role in recruiting, retaining and recognizing outstanding faculty. Professorships in the WT Department of Nursing help us deliver the best possible nursing education as well as improve the health and wellbeing of citizens in the Panhandle."
– Dr. Holly Jeffreys, head of WT’s Department of Nursing
Opportunities to Give
Research // $125,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $5,500)
Naming Opportunity For The College Of Nursing And Health Sciences // $7,000,000
A new era in nursing education in the Texas Panhandle began with the fall 2021 official opening of WT’s newest facility, the Baptist Community Services Nursing Education Floor at the Harrington Academic Hall WTAMU Amarillo Center. The center also houses the department of communication disorders, the WT Speech and Hearing Clinic, and the Panhandle Area Health Education Center. Investments by our donors provide upgraded facilities and technology that supports these high-quality programs, enabling WT to continue to provide excellent nursing and health science education and clinical training across the region.
Donor gifts for endowed facilities and equipment provide amazing opportunities for students and faculty members. Our students groundwork in educational content, in research involvement and in community outreach activities will enhance the wellness of individuals across their lifespans throughout Panhandle region and beyond.
For example, the Department of Sports and Exercise Science — which prepares students for a variety of careers in the sport, human performance, fitness and allied health fields — plans to enhance its offerings with a new WT Human Performance Laboratory. This facility will be dedicated to evaluating multiple dimensions of human performance and used to improve health, performance and disease prevention.
"Gifts to WT may be used to endow professorships, offering opportunities for exceptional faculty members by providing additional resources for teaching, research and professional activities and development. Faculty members benefit from the coveted title, and students glean from the professor’s academic insight and leadership. This helps enrich the life of the University and strengthen the foundation of academic excellence."
– Dr. Brenda Fields Cross, Au.D, FAAA, CCC/A, department head and clinical assistant professor
Opportunities to Give
Naming of Facilities // $25,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $1,000)