Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts & Humanities
- Art
- Theatre
- Dance
- Communication
- English
- Philosophy
- Modern Languages
- History
- Music
Our students and faculty are a major focus of this campaign. On the student side, the main need is for scholarships. WT’s tuition is very competitive, but our scholarships have not grown as significantly as some of our competitors and additional funds are needed to support students. This is especially true where we are competing for talented musicians and theatre students. For faculty, in order to support research needs and travel to conferences, we would like to provide named professorships to our best faculty across the college. We added four professorships in 2021 but would like continue that progress and reward more of our talented faculty.
"For generations, some of the finest art in the region — whether performance or visual — has been produced at WT or by artists who trained here. In order for the Amarillo and Canyon area to continue to thrive as an artistic oasis, we must be able to attract the very best students and professors."
– Dr. Jessica Mallard, dean of the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities
Opportunities to Give
Scholarships // $25,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $1,000)
Professorships // $125,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $5,500)
The Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities consists of a diverse set of programs and serves as the hub for these disciplines in both the Panhandle and South Plains. In order to continue to provide regional outreach, we need to continue to reach for excellence, which requires funding for programs across the college. This support could include purchasing new equipment, providing new instruments for our students to learn on, or funding opportunities for our students to have experiential education experiences in different locations across the U.S. and the world. The ability to have named programs like the Dorothy Patterson Poetry Series allows us to increase our programming and bring in well-known poets to share with our students and community members.
The Rural Mural Project does not produce a product. It’s not for sale. A mural is not a return investment. The investment is a social one. Public art is for everybody.
– Jon Revett, Doris Alexander Distinguished Professor of Fine Art and art program director
Opportunities to Give
Programs //$125,000
(Minimum named endowments. Approximate annual award of $5,500)
Naming of The School of Music // $5,000,000
The college already is home to facilities like the Happy State Bank Studio Theatre, the Dord Fitz Formal Art Gallery and the AT&T High-Definition Studio, but there are multiple opportunities to name other spaces. The benefit of named spaces is that we can improve the physical space and add or upgrade important technology to benefit our students. It also provides funding to maintain the physical space and spotlight the donor’s gift. We have many naming opportunities such as the Communication Mac Lab or the English, Philosophy and Modern Languages student lounge, which provides food and a comfortable, informal space for students to study or interact with faculty and peers.
"Creativity blossoms where the soil is rich. Great artists need great venues, whether state-of-the-art theaters or inspiring studio or rehearsal spaces."
– Dr. Robert Hansen, Regents Professor of Music and director of the School of Music