Network and Telecom Services
Network Services
The campus network at WTAMU consists of a redundant Gigabit backbone with several Ethernet LANs. The network connects 42 buildings, including 11 residence halls.
Internet access for the campus is provided through a Gigabit Ethernet connection to Texas A&M University through LEARN, the Lone Star Education and Research Network. The Network Services department maintains all core functions of the campus network including application, email, file and print services, DNS, and DHCP services.
The Network Services department is located in the Computer Center, just across from the Jack B. Kelley Student Center.
The Telecommunications Services department works closely with the other departments within Information Technology to maintain a safe, cost-effective, reliable telecommunications network and data network physical plant.
The West Texas A&M University telecommunications system is purely Voice over IP (VOIP) and utilizes Cisco Call Manager. The network connects 42 buildings at the Canyon Campus, including 12 residence halls, and has over 1900 telecommunication devices attached. We also provide service to the Amarillo Center(Chase Building), Enterprise Network and Small Business Development Center in Amarillo.
The Telecommunications Services department provides other core functions including telecommunications and data network MACs (Moves, Adds, and Changes). Additionally, we provide 911 connection services to the University Police Department for emergency notification. Telecommunications Services also conducts all billing and charge-back account management for the Information Technology Division