PE-3 Physical Access Control
Initial Implementation: 10/1/2022
Last Review: 12/13/2024
Last Review: 12/13/2024
WTAMU shall enforces physical access authorizations for information resource facilities by implementing appropriate physical access control systems at all entrance/exits based on risk management decisions.
This Control applies to all West Texas A&M locations that house information systems (e.g., data centers, server rooms, networking/telecom closets) considered mission critical or require a higher level of security due to the nature of equipment or data the equipment stores.
Individuals designated with authority for physical access control shall:
- Control all physical access points (including designated entry points) to the facilities where information systems reside and verify individual access authorizations before granting access to the facility.
- Maintain physical access audit logs.
- Implement appropriate controls for publicly accessible areas (e.g., visitor sign in, video surveillance)
- Escort visitors and monitors visitor activity when requiring access to the facilities.
- Secure and inventories keys, combinations, and other physical access devices on an annual basis
- Changes combination(s), keys, and or key fobs when they are lost, combinations are compromised, or individuals are transferred or terminated.