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The BuffBusiness eNewsletter No. 7 November 2009

Leaves are falling and temperatures are dropping, but things are always toasty and warm inside the College of Business. As the Fall 2009 semester moves along in high gear, there are many items of interest for you to peruse below:

  • Glazer's Offers Summer Internship Programs
  • Meet The Accounting Firms
  • SIFE Competes in Case Competition
  • AACSB Accepts Accreditation Plan
  • Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Official to Speak at COB Investment Series
  • Video Game Tournament News
  • COB Study Abroad 2010: British Columbia
  • Pjesky and De'Armond Receive Honors

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Glazer's Offers Summer Internship Programs

Glazer's Distributors was one of many companies visiting campus for the October 1, 2009 Career Expo. Kim Shelvin, State Recruiting Manager for Glazer's and J. Pat Richmond, Amarillo Branch Manager for Glazer's, were both in attendance. Glazer's is one of the country's largest distributors of beverage alcohol, and the Glazer's Family of Companies is firmly established with 46 offices in 11 states. In addition to traditional employment opportunities, Glazer's also actively recruits for their summer internship programs.

Summer interns will have the opportunity to work with Glazer's Trade Development team doing grocery store resets. During the summer they will also ride along with sales people, prepare a marketing project, and present to Glazer's executives. The summer internship programs are based in the Dallas and Houston offices and have provided students and the company a wonderful opportunity to interact. In fact, historically 90% of the student interns are offered a position with Glazer's upon graduation.

Sales positions dominate the entry-level opportunities with Glazer's; however, there are opportunities in other fields including information technology, logistics, and operations. Sales for a company like Glazer's are very unique because most wine and spirits products have exclusive relationships with the distributor, which in turn, creates a sales consultant relationship with most retailers. Students interested in the Glazer's summer internship program are encouraged to contact Steve Sellars (ssellars@wtamu.edu or 651-2345) in the Office of Career Services.

Meet The Accounting Firms

The second annual Meet the Accounting Firms event was held at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum on October 22nd. The event is designed to offer accounting students and employers an opportunity to spend an hour meeting each other via short interviews followed by a social hour. The accounting firms participating this year included:

Brown Graham & Co
Connor, McMillon, Mitchell and Shennum
David Eck and Associates
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Internal Revenue Service
Johnson & Sheldon
Johnson, Miller and Co
Lam Vinson and Company
Lovelady & Christy

SIFE Competes in Case Competition

SIFE competed at the Walgreen's Wrangle Case Competition at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia, Arkansas, on October 22-24. Team members had 36 hours to research, create, and present a plan of action, complete with oral presentation, powerpoint, and a written analysis, to their client, Lafayette Ag Supply, of Lewisville, Arkansas.

SIFE team members competing were: Chandra Agundiz, senior marketing major from Jewel, Kansas; Paul Fridenstine, MBA student from Lancaster, California; Paula Ibanez, senior finance/accounting major from Santa Cruz, Bolivia; B. J. Medley, senior management major from Camden, New Jersey; Christen Parker, senior finance major from Canyon; and Adrian Walker, sophomore economics major from Frisco.

AACSB Accepts Accreditation Plan

This summer the College of Business at West Texas A&M University continued to pursue the highest level of accreditation by submitting an accreditation plan to the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). AACSB is considered the gold standard in business school accreditation, with accredited members that include Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Texas, and Texas A&M at College Station. The West Texas A&M University plan was approved by the AACSB PreAccreditation Committee in September and is being sent to the Accreditation Coordinating Committee (ACC) for its concurrence. Upon concurrence by the ACC, the College of Business at West Texas A&M University will be given to develop and file its self-study report during the next two to three years as part of the final steps to earning initial AACSB accreditation.

"To obtain AACSB accreditation will be a tremendous accomplishment for the College of Business," said Dr. Neil Terry, Dean of the College of Business. "We know AACSB accreditation is an important way of recognizing that our business program is meeting national standards of excellence."

AACSB initial accreditation takes a minimum of five years to complete, including assessment of current programs, development of assurance of learning measures, production of faculty scholarship, and program reviews by external entities. The College of Business at West Texas A&M University has spent the last three years successfully completing the pre-accreditation steps and will now focus efforts on the initial accreditation phase of the AACSB process.

Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Official to Speak at COB Investment Series

Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Research Officer of Financial Industry Studies for the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, will be the December 4th College of Business Investment Series Speaker. Dr. Robinson joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in August 1986 as an Economist in the Research Department specializing in macroeconomics and money and banking. He joined the Financial Industry Studies Department in February 1989 and was promoted to Senior Economist in March 1990, and to Senior Economist and Policy Advisor in March of 1993.

Dr. Robinson holds a Ph.D. degree from The Ohio State University. His current research interests lie in the interaction between financial structure, monetary policy, and economic activity, and the functioning of financial markets in the U.S. economy. He is a member of the American Economic Association and has published articles in several academic and trade journals, as well as articles in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' publications.

Video Game Tournament News

The WT-CIS Tech Club is sponsoring a Video Game Tournament on Saturday, November 21st 2009. This tournament is open to all WTAMU students, faculty and staff. We are getting together to blow off some steam, strengthen the bonds of the nascent WT-CIS Tech Club and to further develop the tournament. There will be food, prizes for the top competitors, and good times to be had. Interested members of the WTAMU community can click here for more information. Please join us for the first of what will be many successful tournaments in the future.

COB Study Abroad 2010: British Columbia

What do Butchart Gardens, Stanley Park, The Empress Hotel, Whistler Olympic Village, Craigdarroch Castle, Catalyst Paper Mill, Seward Kayak Company, Purdy's Chocolate Factory, Granville Island Brewery, Emily Carr Art Institute, Queen Elizabeth II Park, Nanaimo, Blethering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Gas Light District, the U.S./Canada Border, the city with the largest Asian population outside of Asia, and the Boeing Manufacturing Plant have in common? They are all destinations for the 2010 College of Business Study Abroad program in British Columbia.

Student participants will receive three hours of academic credit in MGT4333/5333: Diversity and Cross Cultural Management or credit for the upper-level economics BBA requirement. Explicit details for the program will be forthcoming but the travel will be in late May and/or early June at an estimated cost of approximately $1,850, including tuition and fees. Students interested in being placed on the preliminary participant list are encouraged to contact to send a letter of intersest to Dr. LaVelle Mills at lmills@wtamu.edu.

Pjesky and De'Armond Receive Honors

Dr. Rex Pjesky, assistant professor of economics, has received a grant from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation. Koch Foundation grants support research and education programs focusing on economic freedom and how free societies advance the well-being of mankind.

Dr. De'Arno De'Armond, assistant professor of marketing and finance, was awarded best paper for the manuscript "Contributing Success Factors within the Financial Planning Profession: Objective and Subjective Factors" at the 2009 Academy of Financial Services Annual Meeting.

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Thanks for reading this far. On behalf of the College of Business, best wishes for your continued success. As always, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to drop me a line.

R. Nicholas Gerlich
Professor of Marketing and
Department Head of MMGB

(The views expressed herein are those of the individual author, and do not necessarily represent the views of West Texas A&M University, its faculty and staff, or its students. Feel free to distribute this as you wish.)

© The College of Business at West Texas A&M University