West Texas A&M University Police Department (UPD) officers are certified Texas Peace Officers with jurisdiction granted by the Education Code to enforce local, state and federal laws. Made up of 18 full-time officers, their jurisdiction spans to any county where the Texas A&M University System owns, rents, or leases property.
UPD encourages reporting of all criminal activity and provides a criminal investigation division for follow-up of any criminal offense reported. To pass on information or if you have questions, please email WTpolice@wtamu.edu.

UPD is a Texas Police Chiefs Association Accredited Agency
West Texas A&M University is a public and open campus. No effort is made to restrain the general public from entering campus; however, the University Police Department does reserve the right to bar individuals who are considered a threat to the University community. WTAMU operates under a "no tolerance" level of enforcement relating to fighting, weapons, alcohol and other drugs on University property. All state and federal laws are strictly enforced.